T-slim auto-soft 90 sets question

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hello all

I'm well away with pumping now, though I've had a few snags with the site changes. I'm mainly having a problem with the adhesive tape unsticking as i pull out the applicator/needle when applying. This has been a little annoying as once the cannula has come out, trying to re-insert it is tough (not sure if i should be doing this in the first place) as I dont want to waste a whole new set. Any similar experiences or work arounds? I usually wipe the area down and then let it dry completely before applying, I've also started to shave little areas on my stomach where it'll be applied haha

We had some trouble with cannulas sticking so my kid makes sure to use body scrub in between times so the dried skin is removed and an alcohol wipe before inserting. He’s not very hairy so that hasn’t been a problem. We then use some kinesiology tape that we cut and put over the cannula tape to secure it as we were having some leaks in the third day. It can help to leave the applicator on for 30 seconds before trying to take it off too.
Skin Tac is quite good for helping them to stick, you can order it from amazon.
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