Symptoms of diabetes

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Besides the obvious symptoms that people experience before diagnosis i just wondered whether there was anything else that individuals noticed that disappeared after they had started treatment.

Several months before i was diagnosed i started to get these random fatty type lumps in my body, i had a few in my arm, a big one on my leg and a lump on my eye lid. Nobody was interested as they werent causing me any problems and i was told they werent linked to diabetes once id been diagnosed. Ive only had diabetes for 4 months but after a few weeks of treatment these lumps disappeared. I have no idea what they were!!

Has anybody else experienced something like this?🙂
I used to get a terrible rash while shaving and shiny red marks about my body which stopped as soon as I went on medication!
Did you discuss that with ur diabetes specialist? I told mine about my problems and they just werent interested at all!
Did you discuss that with ur diabetes specialist? I told mine about my problems and they just werent interested at all!

No I haven't actually. I think I've been lucky, my doctor and diabetes nurse are absolutely spot on with everything, they've taken so much time answering questions and giving me info I've never got round to asking them about this, mainly because the symptoms have gone now.
I suffer from dry cracked skin on my fingers which can get quite painful. I've spoken to doctors about this but they all say it won't be diabetes related.

Always goes away though when my control is good.
actually when I think about it I was suffering for a few months before with constipation and really heavy periods - had to see the doctor re both! Never suffered with either before and both recified from the day I went on insulin!

well you did ask

The more I read these threads, the more I realise how diversely the symptoms present themslves, how GP and clinic attitudes vary and how well people cope with work, social life and immediate family.
Type 2 is certainly on the increase as our lifestyles change.
I'd never heard of Type 1.5.
Perhaps I shall do an analysis of membership to see the ratio of T1 andT2
diabetic symptoms.

Besides the obvious symptoms that people experience before diagnosis i just wondered whether there was anything else that individuals noticed that disappeared after they had started treatment.

Several months before i was diagnosed i started to get these random fatty type lumps in my body, i had a few in my arm, a big one on my leg and a lump on my eye lid. Nobody was interested as they werent causing me any problems and i was told they werent linked to diabetes once id been diagnosed. Ive only had diabetes for 4 months but after a few weeks of treatment these lumps disappeared. I have no idea what they were!!

Has anybody else experienced something like this?🙂

hi emmalou. ive had numerous diabetic symptoms ranging from the usual weight loss and raging thirst to lumps and cysts. ive also had skin infections and spots that would not heal,( ive usually got good skin) my periods also stopped completely, which a diabetic specialist told me was because of high sugars( mine averaged 20) i had been told by other people that it was because i was underweight,( due to ketones,not healthy eating!!) i still get a few symptoms and its usually because my sugars are high, they go when glucose levels are lower.
i too stopped having periods which was being investigated but then they resumed themselves and all before i was diagnosed t2. i was very nasty when i had eaten loads of sugar or when i hadnt eaten for hours. and if i started an argument i couldnt let it go and back down. im surprised my now husband stuck around! i walked in ill fitting shoes for over a mile and developed blisters on my heel which took nearly 2 years to go. 2 years! but since diagnosis it all makes sense.
hi elaine

i too stopped having periods which was being investigated but then they resumed themselves and all before i was diagnosed t2. i was very nasty when i had eaten loads of sugar or when i hadnt eaten for hours. and if i started an argument i couldnt let it go and back down. im surprised my now husband stuck around! i walked in ill fitting shoes for over a mile and developed blisters on my heel which took nearly 2 years to go. 2 years! but since diagnosis it all makes sense.

hi elaine, once diagnosed things start slipping in to place, all the mood swings etc.. i was terrible to live with and wouldnt let an argument go.( i didnt talk to my sister-in-law for nearly a year). i also had a cold which lasted about 3 months!! and i spent more time with thrush than without it for about a year, the dr just kept renewing my prescription!!!
I Started losing some of my hair after I was diagnosed but thankfully I have lots of it and it grew back fairly quickly (was very worrying when i'd wake up and there would be loads on my pillow). Also before I was diagnosed i was going to the toilet 2-3 times a night which meant i felt like I dind't sleep most nights. It went down to once a night when I came out of hopsital and now (apart from the odd night) I can go all through the night and not need to go! ; ) Plus I lost about 2-3 stone but that piled back on quick enough with a bit more extra weight than i'd had to start off with!
I Started losing some of my hair after I was diagnosed but thankfully I have lots of it and it grew back fairly quickly (was very worrying when i'd wake up and there would be loads on my pillow). Also before I was diagnosed i was going to the toilet 2-3 times a night which meant i felt like I dind't sleep most nights. It went down to once a night when I came out of hopsital and now (apart from the odd night) I can go all through the night and not need to go! ; ) Plus I lost about 2-3 stone but that piled back on quick enough with a bit more extra weight than i'd had to start off with!
yeah i noticed my hair thinning, which is a nightmare for a woman!! luckily it is ok now so im not bald, at one point i thought i might be. i was drinking constantly and going to the loo all night, you dont feel like youve been to bed at all. i went down to 7 and a half stone but as you say, ive put it all back on and a little bit more(not fair)
yeah i noticed my hair thinning, which is a nightmare for a woman!! luckily it is ok now so im not bald, at one point i thought i might be. i was drinking constantly and going to the loo all night, you dont feel like youve been to bed at all. i went down to 7 and a half stone but as you say, ive put it all back on and a little bit more(not fair)
Sound's like we had a very similar experience Annemarie I was 7 stone when I lost all the weight!
Sound's like we had a very similar experience Annemarie I was 7 stone when I lost all the weight!
hi emmal31 the trouble is you get so used to feeling like that that you forget what normal is. people kept telling me to eat more.. they thought i was anorexic, no way i like food too much. once i started insulin i couldnt believe that id slept a whole night without getting up to the loo 30 times. i now realise how ill i was, i was admitted with dka,
My eyes were realy fuzzy and my GP kept telling me to go to the opticians, which I had already done. I'd been to the GP with all the classic symptoms, and all he could do was tell me to loose weight. It wasn't until the firm I work for had a health care/ health awareness day that I actually got some answers. They said their tests were not 100% accurate so I should take the results to the GP. Don't know if he couldn't be bothered to get the tests done before or what, but here I am now. The standing joke in our house is keep taking the pills....😎
My eyes were realy fuzzy and my GP kept telling me to go to the opticians, which I had already done. I'd been to the GP with all the classic symptoms, and all he could do was tell me to loose weight. It wasn't until the firm I work for had a health care/ health awareness day that I actually got some answers. They said their tests were not 100% accurate so I should take the results to the GP. Don't know if he couldn't be bothered to get the tests done before or what, but here I am now. The standing joke in our house is keep taking the pills....😎
hi caroline, that seems to be half the trouble , most doctors just keep giving out prescriptions without doing any proper tests. thats probably why so many people suffer with classic symptoms for so long. alot of people are also mis-diagnosed as type 2 when they are actually type 1, myself included. in our house the joke is that we are going to the vets(gp) saying that ,i wouldnt trust him with my dog ha ha.
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