Symptoms of diabetes?

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
i had gestational diabetes with my son for the last 5 weeks of my pregnancy. I had him 3 weeks ago. I am now concerned that I may have diabetes as I have had a few symptoms.. I have lost weight unintentionally, I’ve lost 8.4 kg which is around 1 stone 4lbs since having my son 3 weeks ago. I have also had a bout of thrush which is now sorted. When I wake from sleeping my right eye is always bloodshot (not sure if this is a symptom but I’ve noticed it) I’ve also had times where I have sudden extreme tiredness. Doesn’t happen often but when it does I need to sleep it off. I’m also a bit more thirsty at times but that isn’t a major symptom. I have also had blurry vision at times when hungry but also after eating. I am concerned and will be making a doctor appointment tomorrow.
Hello Anna, and congratulations on the birth of your son!
The short answer is, most of those symptoms could add up to diabetes, (tiredness, thrush, weight loss are common ones), or they could simply be your body settling down after the pregnancy, particularly as you had GD. You are right to make a doctors appointment and get it checked out. Let us know how you get on.
Hello Anna, and congratulations on the birth of your son!
The short answer is, most of those symptoms could add up to diabetes, (tiredness, thrush, weight loss are common ones), or they could simply be your body settling down after the pregnancy, particularly as you had GD. You are right to make a doctors appointment and get it checked out. Let us know how you get on.

Thank you so much I will definitely let you know
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