Symptom query

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, I'm newly diagnosed type 2 and have no idea what I'm doing. I just want to know if a certain symptom is part of diabetes or not. For several months now, even before I was actually diagnosed, I have been experiencing the occasional stomach pains with accompanying diarrhea, nausea and becoming so hot my skin feels like it's burning. It starts early morning and lasts for a few hours. Could it be because I ate too many carbs the night before, the last time I got it I had pizza (I know that's not a good idea but I just wanted a treat). Really need to know if part of diabetes, does anyone else experience this? Thanks
Hi, I'm newly diagnosed type 2 and have no idea what I'm doing. I just want to know if a certain symptom is part of diabetes or not. For several months now, even before I was actually diagnosed, I have been experiencing the occasional stomach pains with accompanying diarrhea, nausea and becoming so hot my skin feels like it's burning. It starts early morning and lasts for a few hours. Could it be because I ate too many carbs the night before, the last time I got it I had pizza (I know that's not a good idea but I just wanted a treat). Really need to know if part of diabetes, does anyone else experience this? Thanks
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It would not normally be something that would be a symptom, it may be that Pizza is fairly fatty and that could have had an effect or just a dose of upset stomach from something dodgy you ate.
The common symptoms are thirst, needing the loo, tiredness, but many do not get any symptoms unless blood glucose is very high.
Did you mention it to your doctor when you were diagnosed.
Would you like to say a bit about the circumstances of your diagnosis, what your Hba1C is and are you on any medication as that will impact on what suggestions people make.
Assuming you are just trying dietary changes or taking metformin then a low carb approach may be something that many find successful in reducing blood glucose.
This link may give you some ideas as well as being good explanation.
My Hba1C is 55 and I'm taking 500mg of Metformin twice daily. I haven't seen a Dr only the nurse. I did mention it to her and she didn't seem too sure but said it's a possibility. I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?
Have you a history of gallstones? Sounds like symptoms I get when mine are causing a issue especially if I eat cheese.
I was wondering if it was gall bladder related, a response to the fatty meal - after being low fat for ages I returned to my normal diet and had some sharp pains and unpleasant gurgling when I went back to eating natural fats.
Pizza would count as high fat for many.
I was wondering if it was gall bladder related, a response to the fatty meal - after being low fat for ages I returned to my normal diet and had some sharp pains and unpleasant gurgling when I went back to eating natural fats.
Pizza would count as high fat for many.
All too familiar isn’t it? Easy enough to control but take discipline unfortunately, just like our diabetes, not nice at all !
If you haven’t reported these things to your actual GP then do so.
I have been plagued by similar symptoms for some time, but no one could suggest quite why. Since being diagnosed as Type 2 and going on a low carb diet they have gone away.
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