Switching to Victoza

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Ive been on Byetta for 14 months, lost about 50 lbs but could'nt handle the side effects or manage bg levels which average 11 first thing.
I have been given Victoza and waiting to get the green light from my diabetes nurse to switch and instruction on use.
Question for the forum. Can anybody who has switched let me know what to expect? side effects, best time to take it etc.
Hi Roland, welcome to the forum :) We have a couple of members on Victoza so hopefully they will be along to share experiences soon. I believe it's still quite a rare treatment option so not too many reports around yet about the effects.
Hi Roland welcome to the forum.. Im one of the members who switched from byetta to victoza about a month ago and i must say im getting on so well with it,it has lowered my sugars and has cut the amount of hypers i have two fold, i find the best time to take it is 1 hour before my evening meal so i take it approx 5 o clock, side effects so fat have been a tiny bit of sickness and slight tiredness all of which are subsiding now..x
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