Switching from IR metformin to slow release

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all, first time poster having recently been diagnosed with Type2. I have been working up to taking metformin -2morning, 2 evening. However I could never get past the upset stomach despite sticking with it for 2 months. I went to the GP yesterday to request the slow release which I now have.

Question - do I need to gradually move back up over the next few weeks or can I move straight across to the same dose. I couldn't see my normal GP and have been advised to taper back up over the next month starting with just 2 a day. Reading online it appears that I can move straight across to the same dose and therefore not spend a few weeks at a lower dose. Does anyone have an experience of switching?

Note - I won't take any action without returning to my GP. I just want some thoughts before questioning / discussing with my GP
My personal non medical opinion would be if you still have issues with your stomach then you lay of them for a few days until it settles and then start on a lower dose and build up again.
I hope you are also making dietary changes and metformin alone will not be as effective without reducing your carbohydrate intake as well as that will be just as important if not more so than the meds.
This link may give you some ideas for modifying your diet. https://lowcarbfreshwell.co.uk/
Thanks, not come across that website before. It's good.

Yes, I've made big changes to my diet and exercising a lot more. I'm using a libre (self funded) which has really helped me understand the impact of different food groups. For the past month my average blood glucose is 6.1 down from >13 when I was diagnosed so feel like I'm making good progress. Just need my stomach to get used to the metformin...
I agree that a few days of no Metformin to let your digestive system recover and then introduce the Slow Release gradually would be what I would do in your situation. Some people find the slow release works well for them without issue, but a small number find it also gives them gut issues, so letting your system settle down before you start them and grading them in steadily will give them the best chance of not causing upset. You dietary changes will be doing the majority of the work in lowering your BG levels so I don't think there is any concern that having a few days break from Metformin and then building it up slowly will undo any of your great progress.
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