Switch to ?more accurate? CKD calculation urged

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
A switch to a ?more accurate' equation to work out eGFR would reclassify the kidney function of a quarter of the general population, conclude researchers.

The study found the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration equation (CKD-EPI) classified 7% fewer patients as having chronic kidney disease than the current guideline-recommended equation.
NICE guidance currently recommends the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease Study equation (MDRD) equation for estimating GFR, but this study found the CKD-EPI calculation was more accurate at predicting the risk of death or end-stage renal disease.

The DH's kidney tsar said the findings were in the scope of NICE's ongoing update of CKD diagnosis guidelines, although he warned the study did not include an assessment of adding in proteinuria on outcomes.


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