swine flu website advice

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Already bought my anti virus serum.....told you my other half looks after me.
good to see they have the advice out quite quick, but according to the news today they have known about this for a couple of months now and havent done anything about it
yeah all sorts will come out as usual we wont knw who to believe
Anti-virus serum? That reminds me of this zombie game i played a few years ago :D

I keep telling everyone ive got swine flu because i took the bus and train on monday and suddenly got a cough 😉
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Anti-virus serum? That reminds me of this zombie game i played a few years ago :D

Now a zombie outbreak would be fairly exciting. Unless, of course, you were a zombie yourself; which I imagine would be fairly dull - just a constant craving for spicy-brains and not much else. Boring!
Now a zombie outbreak would be fairly exciting. Unless, of course, you were a zombie yourself; which I imagine would be fairly dull - just a constant craving for spicy-brains and not much else. Boring!

What's the carb-content of spicy brains? Can't find it in my 'Collins Gem'...:D
lolol be a longgg search trying to find that
lolol be a longgg search trying to find that

Mmm, fairly low carb-count I would imagine. Depends on what you had it with I suppose. But I would play safe and stick in maybe two or three units - maybe four if the victim was intelligent.
What's the carb-content of spicy brains? Can't find it in my 'Collins Gem'...:D

im pretty sure it's mostly protein.

a zombie out-break would be so much more fun wouldn't it?? It would make my life so much more exciting.
What's the carb-content of spicy brains? Can't find it in my 'Collins Gem'...:D

Ha ha let me know if you find out the carb content... i'm low carbing & could do with a few more ideas for meals...🙂
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