swine flu jab the day before a stag weekend?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
my gp surgery are only doing the swine flu jabs next week (they dont know when the next round of them will be) and i have one booked for the friday.

But, i am going on stag weekend on the saturday which will invovle paintballing & most likely a fair few ales will be consumed!

So my issue is do i have the jab and maybe just a slightly sore arm, which is what most people are reporting. I have no problem with doing this.


HAve the jab and run the slight risk of there beingn more than a sore arm, which could end up in me not going or going and ruining it for others cause i fall ill


cancel it and end up waiting ages for the next round of jabs

I'd say take the jab and enjoy the stag do.
Hi Dan, if it was me I'd have the jab. I was wondering whether to have my seasonal jab the weekend before I ran in the Great South Run, but thought I'd better and didn't suffer any after effects. I imagine it is very rare to be suddenly laid low by the jab.
yeah im leaning towards having the jab. lots of people have said its just the same as the normal flu jab and that was completely fine for me, so i reckon ill go for it!
I would have it, I felt a little rough the next day, but not so much that it would not be masked by the stag weekend hangovers.
Dan - You're possibly more likely to get a sore arm if you keep it too still after an immunisation injection. Best to relax arm as best you can during injection, then move it around normally or even a bit more than normal afterwards. Have a couple of paracetamols available in case you need them, as advised by the immuniser or leaflet they give you. Just go for it - show those mates that diabetes doesn't stop you doing anything like running, shooting or drinking alcohol (but be a bit careful with the alcohol!)
My wife is a nurse so has had hers. She suffered stiffness/discomfort in her arm for a copule of days, but no other effects. I'd go with the other posts, have it and enjoy the stag do - if nothing else it will dull the pain..lol
Q: Can I drink alcohol after the flu vaccine?
A: : It is also considered sensible to avoid alcohol for several hours, but similarly this is not an absolute rule: if you must drink, drink moderately.

This comes off www.flujabs.org and appears to apply to both seasonal and swine flu. I remember being told that a heavy session within 24 hours of some vaccinations, e.g. tetanus, can negate them - of course this may have been nursey's view!
I had swine and normal flu vaccines this afternoon, no pain and no dead arms so far! I'd say take the jab before the stag do, chances are your energy reserves will be depleted after the weekend (playing right into the flu's hands...) 😱
get the jab, have some beers (note "some"😉) get more bruises from paintballing, it'll all come out in the wash, have fun live life :D

I had it on Tuesday at work and have felt ok, not even a sore arm. I was trying to convince the lads at work to get it today but they wont because one person who apparently is "well 'ard" has been very unwell. Whatever! Id rather not keel over with swine flu to be honest!

Id get it if I were you!
I got the seasonal flu jab and the swine flu jab on Tuesday (one in each arm)

I've skipped both my martial arts classes because one arm is so sore (from the swine flu jab). It's sore to even run your finger down and I've been told it can be like this for a week.

Glad others haven't had any pain, but just wanted to say it can be pretty damn sore.

Might need an extra few drinks to numb the pain from the swine flu jab and paintballing 😛

Hmmm, my pain has pretty much gone now, though its a little sore to the touch or if something gets caught on my arm. It was horrific this morning though. I guess lugging buckets is good for it :D
Have the jab go on the stag weekend and enjoy it.

When I asked for advice, I was told that unless I had anything elese working on me I'd be unlikely to suffer any ill effects.
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