Swine flu jab pt II

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Much missed Moderator
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Had part two of the Baxters (no eggs involved) swine flu jab today and, just like last time, no probs, can't even find the jab mark now. Am I glad I'm allergic to eggs! The practice nurse was saying that they've had loads of folk complaining about the other type but that no-one who had the Baxters has had any trouble at all. They've decided not to give me the ordinary flu jab as there isn't an eggless one and it would mean a hospital stay with the allergy man watching me for hours.

Had more bloods taken for another HbA1c and mentioned I had concerns about my Gamma GT level, so she took some for that and my LDL as well. For the first time I can remember she didn't have to search for a vein. Results next week. I expect they'll be higher because of the slight binge at Christmas. Haven't lost any weight, but haven't gained any either, so I'm not bothered. Back on the diet now, sigh.

Oh, I forgot. 15,614 steps and 594.6 calories today according to my steppy thing.
good numbers there then ali, you got any piccies of by the river?
Almost all vaccines and antibiotics, indeed any medical serum that is injected is purified through albumen, better known as egg-white. Flu vaccines are additionally created by injecting the virus into a chicken egg. I'm seriously allergic to eggs, both as a food and a contact allergy, even the smell makes me feel ill. Hence all the dithering about whether or not to risk giving me the vaccine.
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