Swine Flu info

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
I have more info on Swine flu. This is from a source I totally trust.

A meeting was called at this source's hospital for staff last week re swine flu. This is just the bits I can remember what I have been told.

The vacination is supposed to be ready by end of August but rumours have it that it is more like December! The most vulnerable will be vacinnated first, even before the medical people, then its the medical people then everyone else.

If you catch swine flu you will build up a resistence which is a good thing. This does not mean go and get swine flu but if you get it, then if you come into contact with it again you may not get it or it will not be as bad. This is just another strain of flu and is no worse than normal flu. Pandemic only means numbers ie amount of people getting it. This is purely because no-one has had it and so no antibodies yet in the body. This means that if you come into contact with anyone then you will get it (in theory). The people it seems to be targeting most is the 0 to 7 year olds probably due to the way they play ie closely etc. The risk gets lower as the older the person so the people who seem to be least at risk are the older people.

Tamiflu is ok ish but not brilliant but if it mutates may not be strong enough. It may not mutate though. More people die of normal flu or other strains than have of swine flu and continously but because it is a pandemic we are getting to hear about these people. We never hear about people that die from other types of flu.

If I remember anything else then I'll let you know but the message was, still no need to panic. I have been advised to contact my GP (yeh right) or it was suggested my hospital and ask will if J (and myself with asthma) will be called up when the vaccine is ready, will we be one of the first in line. Where do I go ie surgery and will I be contacted by whomever rather than me having to chase them.
Thanks Adrienne. I must admit, with all the coverage it has been getting it is starting to worry me a little. I haven't been properly ill since I was diagnosed. The people on the telly try and be reassuring by saying 'Oh, most people will hardly know they've got it, it's just the at risk people who need to be concerned.' Well, I am now one of those 'at risk' people, so to me it's coming across as 'I'm all right Jack, but you diabetics had better start fretting!'
Cheers for that Adrienne,

Very sensible put. I think people are probably getting scared with the news of 65,000 deaths being predicted, but the health advisors asked the news people not to use that number, i.e. it is just an estimate, like they would listen to them! the '99/'00 flu over 20,000 died, and an average year of flu nothing special about 6,500 are expected to die.

Sorry if that upsets anyone, just relaying what I heard on the radio/news.

I am worried as well obviously. Both J and me are at risk. I am a not well controlled asthmatic. Never had an attack but I've had a cough because of the bad control for over two years now. Hoping my new doctors can sort it. I really need to lose weight as my asthma gets much better !!

I am not going to put J in harms way but I know I cannot avoid it totally and we are not going to hide away, in one way I want us to build up antibodies but I do not want to tempt fate as you just never know. :confused:
Hi Adrienne,

Thank you so much for your thread...it has certainly cleared up some of my concerns.

thank you so much Adrienne very useful post certainly cleared some things up in my mind
Thank you for the information. Do you know if they are still considering giving the "at risk" group both the ordinary 'flu jab in the Autumn AND the "Swine 'flu" one - or will it be a case of "one fits all" ? If we have both, won't they fight each other in our bodies for a while i.e. the chance of a few more side effects ?

I'm getting paranoid now ! Faith
Very sensible put. I think people are probably getting scared with the news of 65,000 deaths being predicted, but the health advisors asked the news people not to use that number, i.e. it is just an estimate, like they would listen to them! the '99/'00 flu over 20,000 died, and an average year of flu nothing special about 6,500 are expected to die.

To put it another way, 65000 is not an estimate. Its the worst case scenario being used for contingency planning. Nobody is predicting that is what is going to happen, just saying thats the worst it could possibly be and its far better to plan for reactions to the worst possible scenario and not have to face it, rather than underdo the planning and get caught out.

Unfortunately that number makes for far better headlines, which the papers love cos it gives them a chance to get hysterical.
The risk must be lower for healthy people with diabetes, over those with complications and other health problems. However, I'll take the vaccine (as I do each year with normal flu) when it's offered, as then I can't pass it on to anyone else.
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