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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I've decided to go for a swim later, to cheer myself up, but not done this since being diagnosed.. I do cycling and aerobic and can cope with those activities as got tester near to hand as well. Do you think swimming will make my sugars drop quickly?? I hope i can have my bag at the side of the pool too, ( not been there before).. thanks xx
Hi Chez swimming is the only sport i partake in, well accept going on the bike with my son , but for me it is a release and sof ar i have had no problems while swimming , one time i did test and i was up at 12.3 but i certainly did not feel i was having a hyper, I say got for it and enjoy xx
Both of my children go swimming once a week and it changes every time! Sometimes they drop very little - others they go hypo quickly. I would guess that it depends how fast you swim and whether you're doing serious laps or just sloshing around for fun.

That's not very helpful is it? Sorry!

You should be able to have your bag at the side of the pool. We have been able to at 2 different pools.
Some pools like you to leave your kit with the life guard on duty, can you phone ahead to find out for sure?

Different activities affect people in different ways, so try it and see what happens, you may be nicely surprised, and if it goes well, it will encourage you to do it again!
Thanks for your replies, i took your advise and phoned them and they said its okay to have bag at the side.. was gonna go in about half an hour before lunch so that ive not just injected any i'm now having a mini hypo 3.7 typical just when i dont want to!
Hope you got the hypo sorted quickly and you enjoyed your swim...
I'm glad it wasn't too low, if I had seen it earlier I would have said that I always fall rapidly in the pool, even with no pump on. I swim lengths but not very fast.
Depending on the energy you exert when swimming, will depend on your need to consume some carbs 30 minutes before.

For me, I tend to consume something in the order of 50g of carbs to last me doing a 30 minute mile. I usually found my levels when getting out were acceptable.

Of course doing any exercise can increase your BS levels, and as swimming is an intensive cardiovascular exercise, it should raise them a little.

Check before you shower and if need be have a snack, I also tend to check as I sit in the car before driving home.
Well i've been and done it, i only did 20 lengths and when i got out before driving home i was 13! eek but i think i just over compensated for hypo just before i went.. anyway ive just had lunch and did put in 1 unit extra to correct, and with the exercise, i hope it will come back into normal range by tea - fingers cross! xx
Chezpez, be careful correcting when its an exercise induced high level as you will probably come crashing down once the effect of the exercise kicks in - just keep checking every hour to be on the safe side.🙂Bev
I only ever swim on holiday and find that it is fairly neutral on the blood sugars, doesn't make me significantly drop or rise like other activities do. probably not much help as on holiday lots of other things to factor in, heat etc.
As it's not clear if the 12 after was related to the hypo treatment or the swimming, then it's best to keep a close eye on things so that you can see how your sensitivity is affected.
Thanks for replies - no hypo as yet probably have on later after tea! 🙄
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