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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Have been advised to start swimming to strengthen my muscles as have benign joint hypermobility syndrome and osteoarthritis in both my knees, now am going to go everyday but wondered what i should eat/do beforehand as never been able to exercise before other than yrs ago pre diagnosis so don't want to have a hypo in the pool, anyone else swim and give me advice on this one? Will be going around 10ish and for half an hour a day and will be doing mostly walking and running in the water rather than actual swimming :)
I think, as with all raised activity levels, you need to test beforehand to make sure your BG is not too low - or too high! If mine is below 7 I have some fruit juice. Above 13 I'd wait for it to come down a little. Don't know about swimming/pool activity specifically, but I think you should make sure that you tell the pool attendant/lifeguard each time that you are diabetic, so they can keep a special eye out for you (hopefully, they won't object to you exercising because you are diabetic).
Am actually going to attend a disabled class daily so they will know why I am walking/running in the water so that helps, will take a carton of juice with me then just in case :D
The disabled group is a good idea. If you go at other times go with a friend or tell the life guard or pool attendent. Can't add further to advice already given.
You'll have to see how the exercise effects you. i'd definatly take some hypo treatments for the side of the pool. You may have to reduce your insulin, but check regulary and see how it effects you, it can effect for hours after aswell.
Going from none to every day might be a bit much to start with, will you be building it up?
Will be doing 15 mins and building up to half hour in one week then just half hour everday thereafter, i used to be a professional dancer so once my body gets used to it it will start to adapt very quickly as used to train for 8 hours a day untill 6 yr ago

Alex goes swimming every sunday for 1 hour. We have never got it right with his levels! But, the best thing that we have found is to give him a cereal bar about 20 minutes before going into the pool (as long as his levels arent too high - like over 12ish) then test after half an hour in the pool and if going low he has a small can of coke - this usually brings him up enough for the next half hour. But, sometimes he can be very high a few hours after swimming - but this is something to do with adrenalin and cant be helped!:)Bev
Rather than just going swimming, I'm not a good swimmer anyway. I joined an aqua-exercise class. The instructor that I am diabetic just in case there is a problem and I don't have a friend with me. All I needed to sign up for the class was the OK from my GP.

I have found this type of exercise is not too strenuous on my knees, and feel better for it.
hi, im just back from aqua aerobics and i find it a good exercise for me, i have my dinner about 2hours before and of course check my bs before i go, if it is lower say maybe 6/7 i would have a small banana and then i would have my tea and toast when i come home before bed and feeling great too:D