Swimming with Libre 2

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi - I'm a type two but on insulin as BS couldn't be controlled on tablets. I'm buying libre 2 to help me monitor but would like to get more active.

Can you go swimming several times a week with the libre or is it essential to buy the waterproof covers? I'm scared that when taking off the cover it might stick to and remove the sensor with it.

Any help or advice appreciated - thanks.
I just swim with it as is, I never cover it with anything. If it comes off early I report to abbot for a replacement but I find it is rare to come off
My Libre 2 seems fine if I shower, have a bath or spend a few hours in the pool on holiday. No covering required.
Can you go swimming several times a week with the libre or is it essential to buy the waterproof covers?
I think the answer is "it depends".
As you can see from the answers above, some people have no problem with their sensor coming off in water.
But it does seems to depend upon things like how long you are in the pool, how fast you swim (I have seen people complaining their sensor comes off with "lane swimming"), where your sensor is placed (if your swimming stroke moves the sensor, it may loosen it) and how "greasy" your skin is.
Abbott will replace your sensor if you report that it has come off so I would suggest trying it to see how well the sensors stick on your arm for your swimming and, if it comes off, report it to Abbott.

I'm scared that when taking off the cover it might stick to and remove the sensor with it.
Yes, the cover often sticks to the sensor, They are designed to remain for the life of the sensor not put on for a swim and then removed and replaced for your next swim.
I’ve found my sensors never have issues on holiday in pools, the sea or with sweat sunscreen etc, but swimming for excerise might be different.

I would say see how you get on. I have used covers for rugby last season but this season I didn’t bother and didn’t loose one even in very muddy wet weather.
I've not had any problems when swimming or even in a hot tub , but if you are concerned, you can buy a strap on amazon that holds your sensor in place without adhesive so you can remove it after swimming.
Screenshot_20240513_134409_Amazon Shopping.jpg
I haven't been swimming for a lot of years, but I use one of the above straps (also available on ebay and probably other selling sites) and it was well worth the investment as I haven't lost a sensor early since using it. I apply the strap straight after applying a new sensor and it helps to ensure a good adhesive bond during the period when the sensor is probably most vulnerable. It also acts as a visual reminder as to which arm my sensor is on when I am washing and drying myself as I have managed to pull a sensor loose during vigorous scrubbing, when I forgot it was there.
I've not had any problems when swimming or even in a hot tub , but if you are concerned, you can buy a strap on amazon that holds your sensor in place without adhesive so you can remove it after swimming.
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I was just about to post a question about going in the hot tub just book a hot tub holiday so that's good to know
Hi Pam , I don't keep the libre submerged for too long , I drape the arm that has the libre on it along the edge of the hot tub .
I always wear a patch over mine, although if i clean skin with rubbing alcohol before it seems pretty secure. I’ve done 10 scuba dives wearing a libre, no problems atall
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