Swimming Question for Dexcom Users

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I know I always say there are no silly questions, so I’m going to call this an obvious question!

I’ve only used the Dexcom G7 for a few months and so have never had occasion to be separated from my Dexcom receiver. However, I’m going swimming at a local pool soon, and want to know if it’s ok to leave the receiver at home where it will, presumably, spend it’s time alerting me to being out of range (and frightening the dog) or is there a way I can stop it alerting to that? Is there a max time you can be separating from the receiver? I know there’ll be a gap in the data and that’s fine, but I don’t want to mess up the sensor or anything.

I don’t want to take the receiver with me as it’s not secure at the pool. I always take my pump off and leave it at home for safety and I want to do the same with my Dexcom receiver, but without missing any obvious problems. I’ll be using a glucose meter to fingerprick test at the pool.

Any help much appreciated.
Can you not just turn the alarms/alerts off so the dog is ok? I know with the G6 you can just turn off the alerts you didn't want to hear. If I remember rightly clicked on the alerts tab and it gave options, so hopefully the same for the 7 your sensor/receiver should be fine there is normally a message telling you signal lost and can take X number of hours to connect again. G6 was always ok after 30 mins.
Ah, brilliant - thank you @Pumper_Sue ! I hadn’t seen that option which was why I was asking, but thanks to your comment I’ve now found it 🙂 Phew!

The dog actually gets quite upset because he knows it’s my Dexcom and always barks and runs over to the receiver waiting for me to respond. I’m not sure he’d qualify as a diabetes alert dog because he might just hate the noise :D But it’s good that he’s taken it upon himself to react and he’s got better hearing than me:D

Many thanks again 🙂
Ah, brilliant - thank you @Pumper_Sue ! I hadn’t seen that option which was why I was asking, but thanks to your comment I’ve now found it 🙂 Phew!
Your more than welcome. You have probably already sussed now if you click on the other options like sound different tunes will play thus the volume can be altered which might upset the dog but at least you can hear them.
I went swimming having turned off the Signal Loss alarm. We were gone longer than I thought and when I got back the receiver was, of course, showing Signal Loss on the screen - but, to my surprise, it then filled in all the missing data 😎 We were gone more than 2hrs so I was impressed.

Thanks again @Pumper_Sue from both myself and the pup (well, he’s not really a pup but he acts like one :D )
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