Swimming club

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I used to be quite into swimming when I was a lot younger and I've seen some flyers around for a swimming club near me which I would be really interested in joining. That would mean two trainings of 1.5 hours every week though, and with me having gone onto the pump recently I was wondering whether this is possible for me, and if so, how would I do it? I can't just disconnect a pump for an hour and a half can I? Would I have to take a break in between to take some insulin? Or would it just be pretty much impossible?

I'm using the Medtronic Paradigm Veo. Thanks 😱
Personally if I was doing (proper, energetic) training swims for 1 1/2 hrs at a time then I wouldn't need any basal for that period and some time after. I would remove the pump about 30 mins before starting, do the training swims, test part way through - probably after 30 mins and 1 hr - for the first few weeks so I knew what was happening, reconnect at the end of the training and go from there.

YMMV though, so take care.
I would definitely experiment with shorter swims first. I've heard of some people jumping out, bolusing the missed basal (either straight up or over a period of time) and then getting back in the water. This is one of those things you might just have to experiment with!
Thanks both for the quick replies! Will test and see what happens 🙂
You need to base your actions on what normally happens to your blood sugars when you exercise.
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