Swimming and pump

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
i would really appreciate some advice about what to do with my pump when swimming. I'm rather nervous about leaving it in my locker when swimming in case it gets stolen. Or have others found from experience that it is safe to do this? I will be away from home for approx 3 hours each time I go swimming. Would it make sense to disconnect from the pump just before I leave home and then use my insulin pen whilst I'm out?
We've always left ours in a locker, if we're all going swimming then don't know what else to do! Don't really like leaving it there but so far it has always been fine. I do try to make sure that it isn't about to have any alarms going off though (e.g. Low Cartridge), just in case any tea leafs nearby hear it and think it's a phone...

Although I suppose virtually every locker in a changing room these days has probably got at least one phone in it...
Thanks Sally. good point about making sure that isn't due to have any alarms to go off. I hadn't thought about that.
Enjoy your swim Aj. Mr thief would not know what it was anyway.
Thank you Hobie.
Enjoy your swim Aj. Mr thief would not know what it was anyway.
Unfortunately that doesn't stop them being stolen, people think it's a snazzy MP3 player or something, once they have realised that they don't know what it is they are too far away and aren't going to give it back anyway because that would be admitting that they are a thief. I read of someone who had one stolen off their body at a pop concert, the thief even cut through the tube to get it off!
If someone tried to do it to me I would be in the paper 😱 Would go wild :D
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