

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
A friend has just given me a diabetic cookbook and I notice that many of the deserts list 'sweetener' as an ingredient. I'm new to all this but I thought artificial sweeteners were best avoided because they confuse the body/insulin release?
A friend has just given me a diabetic cookbook and I notice that many of the deserts list 'sweetener' as an ingredient. I'm new to all this but I thought artificial sweeteners were best avoided because they confuse the body/insulin release?
The response to sweeteners can be very individual but people find they are OK with some but not others. Some like erythritol if used in excess can cause stomach problems.
Sweeteners trigger a small release of insulin that occurs when eating starts (If I wear a CGM I can sometimes see blood sugar drop a little as soon as I start eating.) called the Cephalic Phase insulin response.

Some research has linked use of sweeteners with increased insulin resistance. (Perhaps to do with the effects in the gut of sweeteners)
As already mentioned sweeteners are an individual thing...my sweetener of choice is silver spoons granulated sweetener..I think it's really good.