Sweet tooth

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi. I'm new to the group. I'm a carer for my 93 year old dad who has a sweet tooth. What biscuits/cake do you recommend with low sugar (from supermarkets preferably). He's just come out of hospital and his blood sugar was raised. I'm in the position of -well he's 93 and I don't want to deprive him but I also don't want to cause him any more diabetic related complications.
Firstly, stay away from the ones labelled low sugar in the supermarkets. The carbs in these tend to be as high if not slightly higher than the standard version (and more expensive) - and it's the carbs that matter, not just sugar.

If he can stop at one small biscuit, a malted milk (Tesco own brand) is around 6g carbs per biscuit, so even 2 wouldn't be dreadful. Standard digestives or oat biscuits are around 10g carb each. Rich tea around 7g.
If you would be prepared to do some batch-baking for him, I often see T2s here recommending the sugarfreelondoner website/blog which uses alternative flours and sweetening agents to make pretty convincing goodies with a fraction of the total carbohydrate content of regular versions.
Hi @polwol and welcome to the forum and well done for taking on the caring role for your dad. I am a carer myself and know what that means. Have you registered with whatever carer support services available where you live? I generally suggest that to carers that they do so. The support given is very post code dependent, you might be lucky.

With regard to your dad, the first thing I would ask is whether the blood glucose levels were sufficiently high to give immediate symptoms such as frequent peeing, thirst, feeling generally unwell. If that is the case then it might be sensible to think about his biscuits and other things as well. If they are just a bit high and he is not having any extra problems that could be attributed high blood glucose and does not have any other medical conditions which might be made worse by high blood glucose, then I would not be too worried about his biscuits. Of those that he likes, just pick the ones that have the lowest carbohydrate content!
Hi and welcome.

He's just come out of hospital and his blood sugar was raised. I'm in the position of -well he's 93 and I don't want to deprive him but I also don't want to cause him any more diabetic related complications.
It sounds like your Dad has been diabetic for a while when you mention not wanting to cause him "any more diabetic complications"
Can you tell us a bit about his diabetes? Things like:-
How long has he been diagnosed?
Is he Type 1 ot Type 2 or some other Type?
What medication does he use to manage his diabetes and has this been adjusted/increased/added to in light of his recent hospital visit and elevated levels?
What complications is he having problems with?

Sorry for all the questions but medication particularly is quite important to take into consideration when suggesting dietary adjustment.
I bought some of these
Still 66.6 carbs per 100g, but they work out about 5.6 carbs per biscuit, I think they taste like the normal ones. My plumber scoffed them happily.
Hi and welcome.

It sounds like your Dad has been diabetic for a while when you mention not wanting to cause him "any more diabetic complications"
Can you tell us a bit about his diabetes? Things like:-
How long has he been diagnosed?
Is he Type 1 ot Type 2 or some other Type?
What medication does he use to manage his diabetes and has this been adjusted/increased/added to in light of his recent hospital visit and elevated levels?
What complications is he having problems with?

Sorry for all the questions but medication particularly is quite important to take into consideration when suggesting dietary adjustment.
He's type 2. He has 1000mg Metformin. He's 93. He was diagnosed in his 60's. He's had no real problems but recently has developed a sweet tooth. (Since mum died). He has glaucoma and macular degeneration. Just been in hospital for a chest infection where after numerous tests on admission he was told he had had a "silent" heart attack, so he's taking a few more tablets for that problem. .
Hi @polwol and welcome to the forum and well done for taking on the caring role for your dad. I am a carer myself and know what that means. Have you registered with whatever carer support services available where you live? I generally suggest that to carers that they do so. The support given is very post code dependent, you might be lucky.

With regard to your dad, the first thing I would ask is whether the blood glucose levels were sufficiently high to give immediate symptoms such as frequent peeing, thirst, feeling generally unwell. If that is the case then it might be sensible to think about his biscuits and other things as well. If they are just a bit high and he is not having any extra problems that could be attributed high blood glucose and does not have any other medical conditions which might be made worse by high blood glucose, then I would not be too worried about his biscuits. Of those that he likes, just pick the ones that have the lowest carbohydrate content!
He's not thirsty or peeing more and not generally unwell. He's a bit more fragile as he's just been in hospital with a chest infection and during numerous tests on admission they said he had had a"silent" heart attack. He's now on medication to try and stop that happening again, at the moment he's a little more tired with being in hospital.
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