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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
does anyone have problems with this

it can be 20 below and 4 ft of snow

and it is if i am still in the shower

just pour sweat

YES ..and there is no pattern to it seemingly ....i always have to swop pillows in the night because i wake up and the one im using is soaked ...you are not alone ..but why???:confused:
I only have to do the slightest of things physical and i sweat buckets.I always thought it was me just being overweight because there is no pattern to the sweating,it happens if my blood sugars are high or low.I just make sure i carry deodrant with me when im out.
I don't have this problem, but I know quite a few people who do. Possible causes are fluctuations in glucose levels, or ladies having their menopause. If it is too much of a problem, I think you can get something from the doctor that will help, but I am not sure.
Mary, it could be because you blood sugars are high, I really get overheated when mine are, or it could be your age. I'm also at 'that certain age' and some of my problem could be down to that. I notice it's much worse at night than during the day, but my temp can shoot up at any time for no apparent reason.
I'm fairly fit I run around 25miles a week in training and race up to twice a week at the moment and regardless of my blood sugar level I sweat profusely to the point of it making my eyes sting when the sweat runs into them! The only answer for me is a sweat band on my wrist to wipe away excess from my face and plenty of fluids pre and post race.

thanks everyone i thought i was alone on this and had me worried

doctor did say he could give me something for it but would make me

goofy and i don't need that i am that way on my own do not need

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