Sweating at the drop of a hat...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, I haven't posted for ages on here, so hello to the oldies, and newies!

I'm sweating absolute buckets at the drop of a hat. Bizarre really as I can walk for a couple of miles without too much of a problem at a steady pace, but exert any real pressure, or sit in anything mildly warm and I pour with sweat - my hair is wet through, particularly at the base of the neck and back of my head. I can drip with sweat from my eyelashes, ears and drip from my forehead.

I've had a huge gripe about my GP who outright refuses to give me any testing strips / needles etc. I have no idea where I am sugar wise, but it's up to 14 - 16 when tested. The care I get from my GP has been appalling from day 1 and I'm on the verge of looking around at a different practice.

I'm taking Metformin, Gliclazade and Simvastatin and Type II. My GP has mentioned the possibilty of insulin injection which, frankly I think I'd prefer if it gives respite.

Does anyone else suffer from the astonishingly excessive sweating that I have described?
Hi Paul, wondered where you had gone! I found that I sweated a great deal in the few months after being diagnosed. At the time I put it down to the summer months last year, but now experiencing my second summer I'm pretty sure it related to my high levels - especially at night.

Your doctor is not giving you the care you need. You have concerns that are not being addressed, so definitely look around and find another who will listen to you and care for you. You do need to test, especially whilst you are building up a picture of your condition and how you need to adapt to get the best results for you as an individual. Make your first step tomorrow!🙂
Hi Paul, nice to see you back on here!

I don't know that I can give you too much advice on the sweats, generally it's only something I experience when hypo. My advice would always be though to test when you have situations like that to try and find a hypo, but of course you're having problems with the doctor so you can't!

I'd say definately look around for a different GP. Maybe a starting point is to see if there is a diabetes specialist at the surgery you're already at, some surgerys have pretty good websites that list it. Or enquire about being referred to wherever your local diabetes centre is, mostly in the local hospital....? If your doctor is mentioning moving on to insulin then surely he'll realise the need to test then so it must be so frustrating if he can't see the need for testing now!

Good luck with everything.

Thanks guys. I'm pretty sure I'm having regular turns as my sweats seem to follow my feeling particulary bad.

I will get onto a decent diabetes centre, I'm extremely worried I'm not being looked after properly.
Hope you find more appropriate care, somewhere.
Hi Paul, can't add to what others have said, but I hope you're feeling better soon, and you get proper care.
Hello again Paul,

Cant really add any advice to what has been said, youdefinately need to find a caring responsible gp as its clear you dont have one!

It maybe that you need to move onto insulin but you havent really been given the chance to follow the other options appropriately. I do sweat when high but not as excessive as you have mentioned. You really do need to know whats going on, this is your health after all.

take care and good to see you back 🙂
The sweating is from excessively high BG. The reason it happens during exercise is that exercise increases BG temporarily.

1) Get a meter and strips
2) Get a new doc (one who isnt trying to kill you)

You can get a meter for ?4 from any supermarket which has an in-store pharmacy, otherwise Lloyds and Boots do em for a tenner.

Ebay is the cheapest place for stips at around 12 quid per 50 (watch out for expiry dates) rather than direct from the manufacturer at around 17 quid and 25 quid from a pharmacy.

That might sound like a lot of cost, but think of it this way - how much are your eyes worth? Sorry, that's blunt but that's what the risks are here.

As for how to use a meter as a T2 most effectively, have a read of this:

And there's some tips for persuading your new GP to prescribe strips here:

I regularly run into people in similar situations elsewhere. A couple of months using Jennifer's Advice and they start hitting 6.0 for their a1c and having to reduce their meds intake.

Good luck.
Hi Paul,

I used to sweat loads, if I walked quick or anything really, didn't really think about it much, an old teacher of mine had some medical condition where he sweated all the time, even in a cold classroom he would be wiping his forehead with a hankie.

I guess we get to the position where anything we have could be related or must be related to Diabetes! Either way I hope you get it under control soon.

You've made me think about it and maybe I sweat less now? Mind you I still get sweaty on a hot day or if I'm aout on my feet a lot, hmm not sure.
hi again paul nice to see you back

sorry i cant add to whats been said, but good luck and i hope you get sorted soon x
Hi Paul..

Sorry I cant add anything that has'nt already been said..I do hope you feel much better soon...and hopefully you will have found a better GP, who will offer you more support and understanding.

I must say that Nathan is always hot and sweaty...and have spoken to several other diabetics of all type...and they to have similar problems.

Hi, I haven't posted for ages on here, so hello to the oldies, and newies!

I'm sweating absolute buckets at the drop of a hat. Bizarre really as I can walk for a couple of miles without too much of a problem at a steady pace, but exert any real pressure, or sit in anything mildly warm and I pour with sweat - my hair is wet through, particularly at the base of the neck and back of my head. I can drip with sweat from my eyelashes, ears and drip from my forehead.

I've had a huge gripe about my GP who outright refuses to give me any testing strips / needles etc. I have no idea where I am sugar wise, but it's up to 14 - 16 when tested. The care I get from my GP has been appalling from day 1 and I'm on the verge of looking around at a different practice.

I'm taking Metformin, Gliclazade and Simvastatin and Type II. My GP has mentioned the possibilty of insulin injection which, frankly I think I'd prefer if it gives respite.

Does anyone else suffer from the astonishingly excessive sweating that I have described?
Hi Paul,

Some great advice I think. Yes I have this problem too and we always hear about low blood sugar causing sweats which I would assume is not an issue for you being Type 2 but high levels may also cause it. I suffer from it with great irregularity but pretty much everyday now. I also find that with high blood sugars the veins in my hands seem to dilate (get bigger) and sometimes I can feel the blood going through my hands and feet too.

Hope this helps. Get the BGs down and monitor with a good GP. It's the old story of not minding doing injections if you feel better but you may not need to go down this route as of yet. Also get into Specsavers or other high street places. Vision Express are doing free eye tests at the minute (well in Eastbourne anyhow). Most places can give you drops now and have a look into your eyes which is the acid test for how well diabetes is controlled.
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