sweating at night

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I am still coming to terms with whats happening,I think Im controling my levels
around 8 to 4 Still having hypos but getting there I think lol.
I sweat at night is this normal and what causes it,I have been told to eat b4 I sleep as sugar will drop.Has anyone experanced this help
Type 1 three weeks since found out.
3 weeks in and keeping your levels between 4 and 8 is fantastic!

Do you wake up sweating in the night or just notice in the morning? It's be worth checking your by in the night (either when you wake up or by setting an alarm) as night hypos would usually cause sweating, that's always what causes me to wake up from a hypo.
Thanks its in the morning when I notice or at about 4 whenI wake.
How come you can hypo but still be asleep thats scary
never a fun thing to do but it may be worth setting an alarm for around 3am for a few nights to do a test to get an idea of what's happening overnight.

I think most people do find they wake up if they hypo in the night but it can be that you sleep through as eventually your liver brings you out if it, often an indication will be higher levels when you wake up.
oh, and didn't mean to scare you with the idea of night hypos!!
Hi Colin you sound like you are doing really well with those readings!

again dont worry about night hypos. When I was first diagnosed I was more worried about experiencing night hypos than actually being diabetic! so much so I used to keep my levels high before bed.

Now I have maybe 1 or 2 night hypos a week, they wake me because I am soo hot and sweaty! Oh and hungry. I dont worry too much now because I am less scared and would rather be on lower side of things than higher as you will soon no doubt be finding out.

well done you are doing great 🙂
I am still coming to terms with whats happening,I think Im controling my levels
around 8 to 4 Still having hypos but getting there I think lol.
I sweat at night is this normal and what causes it,I have been told to eat b4 I sleep as sugar will drop.Has anyone experanced this help
Type 1 three weeks since found out.
hi colin you're doing really well getting readings like that!! iv'e had hypo's in the night and woken up soaked in sweat. i always keep lucozade and glucose tabs next to the bed just in case. if i wake in the night and don't feel right i have a few sips of lucozade and see how i feel after a few mins, it wont do you any harm. don't worry about not waking up from a hypo, as someone said in a previous thread if you hypo in you're sleep and sleep through it your liver will kick in with some glucose, sometimes you will know in the morning if you have had a hypo and slept through it because you will have a high morning sugar level and a headache. i always have supper about 10pm when i take my levemir.
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The thing that wakes me up is the need to pee, and some nights I pee for England and panges of hunger, usually sorted with milk and a biscuit although I do ocassionally hijack little ones jelly babies...
Sounds like it could be a hypo, as already suggested setting an alarm 2-3am to test will give you a good idea.
You might be honeymoning and your insulin needs have reduced.
Just a thought with regard to sweating at night. It can be caused by hypos but it also happens me if I'm running high during the night-I get very hot & dehydrated.Usually if you're going high you'll need to go to the toilet during the night as well.Doing a check at 2-3 am as others have said is probably the best way to find out.
Blimey Colin, your levels are exceptional. I'm around a couple of months diagnosis and can't get my levels less than 10. Mostly they're 12 - 16 and often get up near 20 or over. My NHS support has been appalling and I'm only seeing the practice nurse tomorrow.

I have sleep apnea as well as Diabetes. I have to wear a cpap machine. I find that when I don't, I could almost wring my pillow and bed sheet out. Night sweats are also very common with apnea sufferers.

I'm making an assumption about cpap as I was overweight - possibly provoking my Type 2. Even after losing three stone I'm still sweating when I don't use a cpap mask. Just a thought!

After reading the thread, I'm always waking at around 3am desperate for the loo. Oddly the cpap mask stops that.

Maybe I'm just wired differently!

Anyway, don't worry about it old mate, it's great to get on here and ask the questions. There are some really good threads around I've found exceptionally helpful on all sorts of issues.

Nice meeting you.

Hi all,

I do occaisionally wake up sweating in the night. I also get sweaty feet most nights, though seeing as over the past few days I have been keeping awake until midnight so I can check my blood I'd say this was because I was high, last night at about midnight my blood sugar was 18.
Setting alarms to wake yourself up is a good idea, it means you can get a picture of what is going on in the night. I'd do that if I were you and then you could try adjusting your insulin dosages according to that.

Best of luck,

Tom H
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