Sweating alot lately

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Good afternoon everyone just thought i would ask is does anyone else suffer from excessive sweating
Excessive, maybe not, but I always feel a wee bit of perspiration when I arrive at work from walking from the train station.............for me I thinks it just because I am overweight and cant handle a brisk walk, its getting better though..............could be something totally different to that for you........
Hi in the weather like we have been having lately i do sweat abit more , and also if im going hyper i will sweat but cant say essesivly x
How do I deal with sweating? Well, today, I realised that cycling and fast walking in a black T shirt wasn't a wise choice! Still, fast cycling did mean a short early queue, so I got seen very quickly in phlebotomy clinic. Paler T shirt and running group / pub meet tomorrow will probably guarantee rain!
I used to be a right sweaty betty, still can be but I really do think it has reduced massively, so I would guess it could be to do with high blood sugars, but guess it could also be from wildly swinging levels.

Take care,

Rossi 🙂
Good afternoon everyone just thought i would ask is does anyone else suffer from excessive sweating

Hi Wakman

I thought it was just me. Recently I have been sweating profusely to the point where its really embarrassing especially when at work.

I am seeing the DSN in a few weeks and going to mention it. I am overweight (106kg) it sounds better in kg as opposed to stones 😱)

I will let you know how I get on.


Extreme sweating can be a sign of a few non-diabetes-related problems so it's definitely worth mentioning it to someone - don't just assume it's your diabetes (better to be too careful than miss something)
I've always had an issue with excessive sweating, particularly after exercise.

I have no idea if this is diabetes-related or not, but I blame my diabetes anyway because it's less embarrassing that way 😱
I used to be on a very strong medication callaed 'Fentanyl Patches'
These made me sweat profusely...even when I was'nt moving!

Now, nearly 2 years Fentanyl free, it's my 2 year anniversary free of the dreaded drug on Oct 21st, at times I still sweat in the same way. The most time this happens is when I go into a supermarket or shop ect, basically from outside to inside, embarressing is not the word!!! 😱...The sweat droplets hang from my Eyelashes and nose...I always have to make sure I have some kitchen towel with me to wipe my face!!...It is so very upsetting at times, I can see cashiers looking at me, I say 'Please excuse my perspiring, I am on strong medication and it has this effect!' :(

I think it is also worse when I am in pain with my back...but, I swear it is just a long lasting effect of Fentanyl!

I am defo...a very sweaty betty!
It may pay to test if you are sweating a lot. Could also be the weather, I have been very damp on getting up in the mornings (but it could be my age!), or a virus. Keep us up to date.
I've always had an issue with excessive sweating, particularly after exercise.

I have no idea if this is diabetes-related or not, but I blame my diabetes anyway because it's less embarrassing that way 😱
I have had an issue with sweating for about 10 years now. I am 34 and have had diabetes since I was 10. It doesn't matter whether I am exercising or not my body will feel very hot, clammy and I will sweat profusely on my back and chest. I cannot find any correlation with BG's. It normally happens after breakfast. I have had to give up school teaching as a result since I have had some really terrifying experiences in school when in a class, once while wearing a blue shirt that I seemed to just soak through for no apparent reason. I have gone to doctors, I am quite fit, not overweight but noone can help really. I remember one doctor saying to me:

I see sick people everyday and you definitely do not look sick

This was very upsetting but I could see it from his point of view. I feel quite upset by the whole issue really. I do find that if I exercise I will sweat profusely for the first 20 minutes but thereafter it will slow down and return to normal. It may be worth mentioning that prior to the sweating, I feel quite tense as if my body is pumping out excess adrenaline and my skin feels sensitive. There is no reason for this since i could be sitting at home on a Sunday morning watching TV. I have tried a product called 'Odaban' which is fantastic but causes what I believe is compensatory sweating in the face which is also embarrassing.

There is the other school of thought that it's psychological but really I have thought this through and I don't believe it to be true. I say it's been happening 10 years but I can remember vividly as a child having issues too so it's possibly longer. I had a look at runsweet.com and there are soooo many hormones and counter regulatory issues going on in the normal body and even more in the diabetic's case so it could be related to diabetes. If anyone has any thoughts, I'd love to hear them?

I don't seem to get too sweaty after exercise*... unless my numbers are high and when my temp shoots up and I start seriously glowing if I so much as lift a finger.

* Although, this may be because most of my serious exercise is done in the swimming pool.
YEP .....ally i think your right sweating in swimminng pool is a bit unnoticable 🙄
Bren i really feel sad that you had to give up your career because of this ....i suffer aswell and had a similar problem yesterday when i was a my first day in new job ...i had a raspberry couloured dress on and i felt quite embarrassed id forgotten about all that.... sonow i will have to go back to thinking about what im wearing all the time :(
I can find no reason why it happens there seems to be no pattern and my GP just shrugs
YEP .....ally i think your right sweating in swimminng pool is a bit unnoticable 🙄
Bren i really feel sad that you had to give up your career because of this ....i suffer aswell and had a similar problem yesterday when i was a my first day in new job ...i had a raspberry couloured dress on and i felt quite embarrassed id forgotten about all that.... sonow i will have to go back to thinking about what im wearing all the time :(
I can find no reason why it happens there seems to be no pattern and my GP just shrugs
Hi am64,

I think it's definitely related to diabetes. I do believe that people are not stupid and when they believe that they have a problem, they are usually right unless people just like randomly going to their doctor which in the most case is not true!

I think stress or the fear of sweating more can increase the severity of the case. For example, your first day in a new job means you are quite up tight so you may experience a bigger problem on that day. I have used Probantine tablets too which help by reducing secretions in the body by suppressing the nervous system, para-sympathetic, I believe. I use them during the summer months sporadically. I don't need to use them now because it's much cooler!

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