swearing about my doctor (again)

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
letter through the post today from my doctor:

you're overdue with your annual review and NEED to come to the surgery for it within the next seven days

WHAT??? I go to the hospital for a reason and that is because I am not putting upw ith my useless doctors surgery dealing with my diabetes. It also mentions a fastin blood test but er...I had my HbA1C done the other day??? They are getting a snotty phone call from me again on monday because I am really quite fed up of being told that I have no choice in who deals with my diabetes care
they should have records that you are going to the hospital should they ?
Sam, I think doctors get paid to do your hba1c test and review - so that is why they are keen. Its annoying that for the rest of the time they dont care or ask you how you are etc..😱🙂Bev
Sam, I think doctors get paid to do your hba1c test and review - so that is why they are keen. Its annoying that for the rest of the time they dont care or ask you how you are etc..😱🙂Bev

still! They know I get everything done at the hospital. I don't want their useless practice nurses having anything to do with my diabetes care, phone call monday etc 🙂😱
I know the feeling. Each year I so I get a letter from my GP's to go for retinal screening. Since having cataracts done on 2006 I have attended an opthmology clinic every 6 - 9 months. Although the practice know this I still get the letters. Last year I relented and went along to have the photographs taken. They then made me an emergency appointment three weeks before my routine one. My consultant was surprised too see my at the clinic and said despite there being background changes things were unchanged since last time. The whole saga gave me a month of worry Also when I cancelled the regular appointment I was accused of wasting hospial resources. I now only attend the clinic!
Sorry to hear you're having problems at the doctors. Hope you get it sorted out soon.

Wish I could help....
I suspect it was an automated letter.

at the bottom of my script there is a date of when the annual review is due. They asked me once to go in but when I said I was under the hospital they made a note. The date gets updated when they get the report from the hospital.

In any case I would have thought that seeing the Dr last week should count as a medication review - and why on earth would you want/need a fasting glucose test.

Hope you sort them out....
i got a phone call the other day asking me to come and see the practice DSN. i said no, as i see the DSN in birmingham at the diabetes clinic. she kept insisting i came in, despite us both saying it would be a waste of their time and money. in the end she backed down when i told her i would get the DSN to write to her (which she did).
I am seen at the hospital, but at my annual review at my GP surgery I still get asked about my diabetes by the nurse and they do bloods for their records, but they don't change anything they leave that to the hospital DSN and dr.. doesn't bother me if they want to see me at my surgery once a year.
yes, this happened to me last year, just after my hospital appointment. I politely wrote to the docs telling them that i am under hospital care for my diabetes, I had just had full range of bloods done and that they should contact the hospital for the results if they wanted them.
What? You don't expect your hospital and your GP to talk to each other do you? Come on!🙄
Yes they are supposed to, it's the general idea, but do they? The last time a consultant from my hospital wrote to my GP i think i got the letter before he did, and he does seem to have forgotten all about it.

I expect that your GP has forgotten you're due for a test Sam, and is now back peddling furiously to make it up.

I went for one of these, and when I got there had a big rant to the practice nurse about what a waste of time and money it was, and she totally agreed with me and said it wasn't necessary if you're under the care of the hospital. She said if it happened again to ring and speak to her and she would tick the necessary boxes on the computer system so I didn't need to go in. So you could try that, ask to speak to a nurse on the phone and ask why it's required and hopefully it's not, it was just an automated letter.
isnt it that T1 are cared for by hospitals and T2 'generally' by GP/DSN ??
isnt it that T1 are cared for by hospitals and T2 'generally' by GP/DSN ??

My last diabetic clinic at Roehampton saw both T1 and T2 but where I am now in Epsom if you are on insulin you are seen at the diabetic clinic at the hospital and T2's on diet/exercise/tablets are seen by their GP.
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