Survey: Emotional Support & Diabetes

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Questionnaire ✻submitted✻
Done. Glad that this is one of the areas DUK is focusing on.
Question 17 does not cover full range of potential options.
Question 17 does not cover full range of potential options.
Thanks @bamba , I will pass that on. Did you add comments about what you felt was missing in the feedback box at the end?
If you didn't have a chance to include your comments, feel free to post here or PM me what you felt was missing and I can pass this on to the team 🙂
Done! That box at the end was useful.
Done, though I’ve never needed emotional support with regard to diabetes, and these days it’s the least of my concerns. But that’s my nature, and not everyone is quite so resilient. It’s important that this problem is highlighted.
Done 🙂.
Thanks @bamba , I will pass that on. Did you add comments about what you felt was missing in the feedback box at the end?
If you didn't have a chance to include your comments, feel free to post here or PM me what you felt was missing and I can pass this on to the team 🙂

I used the box - but effectively at least the option "No - and I don't care/worry about it" was missing.
There has never been any specialist psych help available for diabetics - whatever we may have needed help to overcome - even though that very thing affects our BG control very much and the swings from Hi to Lo turn our brains to mush anyway - neither mental healthcare medical staff nor those offering counselling/CBT etc have the foggiest idea about diabetes.

IMHO, overall, it would help all diabetics more to train all HCPs a lot more about what it's really like coping with the demands of diabetes every single day of their lives with no remission for good behaviour. Ever. Then whether we are bipolar or need our appendix out, our everyday diabetes needs might be cared for properly, instead of being treated exactly the same as non-D people and expected to just cope with it.
There has never been any specialist psych help available for diabetics - whatever we may have needed help to overcome - even though that very thing affects our BG control very much and the swings from Hi to Lo turn our brains to mush anyway - neither mental healthcare medical staff nor those offering counselling/CBT etc have the foggiest idea about diabetes.

IMHO, overall, it would help all diabetics more to train all HCPs a lot more about what it's really like coping with the demands of diabetes every single day of their lives with no remission for good behaviour. Ever. Then whether we are bipolar or need our appendix out, our everyday diabetes needs might be cared for properly, instead of being treated exactly the same as non-D people and expected to just cope with it.
On diagnosis - it was the medical student at the GP Surgery, who had taken my history - who asked how much of a shock it had been - and did I think I would need support for that.
( at the time it was a relief of a sort to know what the issue was, and was kicking myself for not recognising it - I had been worried about Cancer / Complication resulting from the stroke I had 3 years before )
So it looks as if the younger generation are being taught to consider it.

run this: once a term

Emotional wellbeing with diabetes

Half-day workshop

The emotional and psychological impact of living with diabetes can have a profound effect on mental wellbeing and someone’s ability to live healthily. This half-day workshop will explore the emotional and psychological aspects of living with diabetes, and the connection between physical and mental wellbeing. We will explore how to access a range of treatment; psychological, educational, self-help and other resources that others living with diabetes have found to be helpful. Living with diabetes doesn’t have to stop people from leading the life they want.

It isn't that I haven't needed some sort of emotional help at times, it's that it isn't there to be offered. My clinic is based on physical test results, complications etc, I don't know what anyone could suggest to make living with a relentless condition that is completely unforgiving any more palatable. I just try to plough on through.
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