Surgery induced diabetes

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

At the beginning of December 2008, whilst away on holiday, I developed jaundice. Within four weeks of getting home I'd been US scanned, scoped, CAT scanned, diagnosed with cancer of the pancreas, had a total pancreatectomy and become Type 1 diabetic. I'm now climbing an extremely steep learning curve. Are there others out there like me, and do they have any advice?
wow that seems like a lot to take in!!! well the boards here are really good and i can guarantee you will meet lots of people who can understand what you are going through even if it is slightly different to how they got diagnosed. if you have any questions please do just ask im sure we will all try and help the best we can 🙂
what a lot to get your head round. This is a good place to have a good rant too if you need it!
Truthfully you have to be a diabetic to really understand diabetes, we are all here to help each other i hope. 😉
Thanks for your responses folks. I'm doing a lot of reading on this site today and will certainly ask you for some help when I can prioritise my priority list !! :confused:
HI akd, what a way of being diagnosed! You certainly have a lot to get your head around.

We will listen to rants, give support and help when we can. It is a learning curve for all of us. I was diagnosed in 2006 and still have a lot to learn.
lol it is defo a lot to learn and i dont think any of us will every totally understand diabetes either!!!
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