Sure T Cannula

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Tony R

Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
My son has been on the pump now for about a year but recently he's started to have a lot of problems with his canula. He's currently on the standard Medtronic Quick Set Teflon Cannula. He's had quite a few problems with kinks. The problem he's 14 and quite skinny so the only site he can use is his butt. The diabetic specialist has arranged for him to try the Sure T set as opposed to the standard Teflon one.

Just wonder has anyone been using the Sure T and how have they found it.

I think the main two concerns he has is he's quite sporty so is it painful if it gets knocked and how difficult is it to do the set change himself?
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Hi Tony

What sets is he using at the moment?

I tried Sure-Ts when I was looking at all of the alternative sets for the Veo.

They were absolutely pain-free to insert, but I can understand your son's concerns over it getting knocked during sports.

I had terrible trouble with kinks/delivery with Quicksets, but having changed to angled Teflon (Silhouette) I find them much more suited to my fairly slim build and very rarely get a set problem these days.

Good luck finding a suitable alternative.
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Hi, I use the Sure T's on my daughter who we had problems with the Quicksets kinking on. You have to change the Sure T's every other day rather than on day 3 for the Quicksets. Being steel they don't kink so are reliable against that problem. I find them very quick and easy to insert as they are a very small-fine needle which you place in by hand, no inserter. There is no cannula filling as ready to go once inserted. Been on these now for the past year.

I can't answer the question about him getting knocked, could he trial a few from Medtronic? If you phone them they would send out 3 or 4 to sample.

Good luck I hope he finds one that suits well 🙂
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