Supporting women with diabetes has become Mari Ruddy's mission

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
In the perennial card game of life, no one with the hand Mari Ruddy (left) has been dealt should be as upbeat or happy as she is. She was diagnosed with Type I diabetes when she was 16. She?s had breast cancer twice in the past six years, and a unilateral mastectomy.

But Mari, 47, is happy. And she doesn?t exude a Pollyanna-ish kind of optimism. It?s real; a dig-deep, stay-in-the-game-of-life kind of joy.

A motivational speaker, an executive coach for schools and nonprofits and the founder of Team WILD (We Inspire Life with Diabetes), Mari believes answers start with the individual.

?In life, you get what you get,? she says. ?The only thing you can control is your attitude. All right, this is happening to me ? what am I going do about it??
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