Supporting all those who are on a diet :)

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,
I'm currently on a diet and struggling with motivation somewhat. Just wondered if any of you were in the same boat if we could possibly have a thread where we could maybe post our food diaries if we felt like it or just generally encourage each other along this very difficult path?
Warmest regards
lucy x
Hi all,
I'm currently on a diet and struggling with motivation somewhat. Just wondered if any of you were in the same boat if we could possibly have a thread where we could maybe post our food diaries if we felt like it or just generally encourage each other along this very difficult path?
Warmest regards
lucy x

Fantastic idea!


I'm up for that if that is ok as I do not have diabetes (just a mum). I'm struggling, have been for years.

I've gone dairy free since January and lost nearly a stone (about 3 lb off of it). Am following a menu plan that a dietician at the local hospital gave me as I asked.

Just basic easy plain food.
I'm so glad you like the idea 🙂
Yes of course you can still join in Adrienne, the more the merrier! 🙂
Please don't feel that you have to answer this question if you don't want to but when you went to see the dietician did you find it useful? Because I have seen one and although he was a lovely chap, he wasn't particularly helpful. He just basically gave me a booklet produced by the British Heart foundation about food groups and I sort of thought well no offense mr but I do already know about food groups.
I'm a serial yo yo dieter and I'm getting sick of it now. I lose a bit and then put at least twice as much on. I think one of my main problems is cheese because I find that if I snack of slices of it it doesn't affect my blood sugar levels I am prone to pick of chunks of it in between meals and such. Congratulations on your fabulous weight loss hun 🙂 x
Have you tried the 'little and often' thing? Not sure if there's a specific name for it. Just eating 5 small meals a day? That way you tend not to get hungry and don't snack in between. Might not be too great with insulin though, spose you'd have to split doses up a bit
Great idea lucy im up for that to.
I'm so glad you like the idea 🙂
Yes of course you can still join in Adrienne, the more the merrier! 🙂
Please don't feel that you have to answer this question if you don't want to but when you went to see the dietician did you find it useful? Because I have seen one and although he was a lovely chap, he wasn't particularly helpful. He just basically gave me a booklet produced by the British Heart foundation about food groups and I sort of thought well no offense mr but I do already know about food groups.
I'm a serial yo yo dieter and I'm getting sick of it now. I lose a bit and then put at least twice as much on. I think one of my main problems is cheese because I find that if I snack of slices of it it doesn't affect my blood sugar levels I am prone to pick of chunks of it in between meals and such. Congratulations on your fabulous weight loss hun 🙂 x

No the dietician was a load of rubbish. He was nice and I asked him for a menu plan. I told him that my life was one where I had to think about stuff ie food for Jessica, carbs etc etc and I didn't want to have to sort something different for me so I just wanted a menu plan. He said it was highly unusual and that they normally gave a booklet, so I said I'll have that as well. I told him I don't need to know what food does, I said I know what pasta, rice etc does to blood sugar levels etc and he said 'what does it do'. I told him about the pasta spike and the rice low then rise later and pizza rise hours later. He was fascinated and had absolutely no clue.

Have to say I was pretty gobsmacked and pretty disgusted but didn't say anything. He did find a menu plan on his computer and I said that will do, didn't even look at it. He printed it and gave it to me and I have to go back in 3 months.

If that is helping someone lose weight with an appointment 3 months later, oh dear god give me strength. 🙂

Yep Mrs yo yo here as well. I lost 4 stone about 5 years ago and put on 6 and then some more after that. Have half my body weight to lose so only thinking stone at a time, too much otherwise.
Thanks for that idea Sophiee 🙂 I think I might try that. To be totally honest with you though I know that I don't always eat out of hunger, but out of boredom or wanting to finish whats on my plate and things like that. And I am definately guilty of making the wrong choices when eating out and having a fattening main and a pudding. So really I suppose that it's no wonder that I'm over weight! However I did used to weigh in at around 84ish kg and did get down to 64 but at the moment I am up to just under 70 so it's made me really mad at myself that I let so much go back on :( and I'm glad that your in Steff 🙂 xxx
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Dunno about support, I bloomin' well need SOMEthing.

Lost a couple of stone in the 5 months before Christmas, which was damn hard, and am stupid enough to have put a stone and a half back on since Christmas, and just seem unable to stop myself. Am full of self-loathing and down-ness because of it, so what do I do?? ?? Yep, just eat more. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Vicious circle.

It's not that I don't KNOW what to do, what to eat, all the tricks of the trade etc, I've been at it for yeeeeeaaaaarrrrrs, it's just the getting down and doing it, and sticking with it, that I have trouble with. I thought the Diabetes would be a great motivation for me, but because my BG numbers aren't too outrageous, even THAT's not pushing me into it.

Maybe a roll of gaffer tape might do the trick.............

BIG sigh...................................................

That's really shocking about the dietician. I mean no disrespect to him but he's fully qualified and didn't even take it upon himself to tailor make you a plan! Shocking! I quite wanted to become a dietician and I'm aware that all the degrees are 3 or 4 years so with all due respect, quite what do they learn in these 3 or 4 years that they can't give you a personal plan..... makes you wonder doesn't it! xxx
Good to meet you Helen 🙂 I've done weight watchers and stuff before in the past and they did work but I just get bored and give in and have a huge cake and think I've blown it now let's have a pizza or something. I know that sounds really awful but that's exactly what I do. What can I say i love food far too much lol x
One of lifes greatest pleasures is a well cooked meal I think! Perhaps this kind of thinking is keeping me fat :( I'm a right food addict lol xxx
I dropped from size 22 to size 16 over 4 years. Now put almost all over it back on since trying to get my diabetes started. When i didnt care about it i lost the weight, Now I care I put it bk on.. can't win :(
I've come down from a size 28 ( 😱 ) to a 24 since last September. I'm helped by the fact that I have very little appetite most of the time. But I do get disheartened sometimes, especially just now when I'm struggling so hard to keep my numbers down. I think a thread for dieters is a great idea.
I go to slimming world and lost 5 st 3 lb in 42 weeks. go back to hospital today to discuss coming of insulin.🙂
I had a similar thought last week. I do a similar thing on weight watchers. Its great cos when your honest about what your eating it does stop you heading for anything too naughty as you have to fess up to it! :D

My thought was to expand it so that bs levels are involved - post your starting level for the day 7 what your gonna eat then the next morning do the same. Any levels during the day could be added into your post for that day... Might help people who arent sure about whether to eat certain things or not & could get advice if you need help getting levels down..
Dunno if that would be too complicated though. Im deffo up for a diet kinda thread
That's a good idea starbanana 🙂 If people don't want to post their bs levels then they don't have to but I definately agre that it would be a good way to identify trigger foods and stuff. And also I think that other people might be able to better spot where their peers are going wrong or whatever because sometimes I think you really do need a fresh pair of eyes to look over your diaries and help you 🙂 xxx
Thanks to my weight loss i am off insulin. possibly going on byetta😉
Hi all,
I'm currently on a diet and struggling with motivation somewhat. Just wondered if any of you were in the same boat if we could possibly have a thread where we could maybe post our food diaries if we felt like it or just generally encourage each other along this very difficult path?
Warmest regards
lucy x

Great idea, I am with Weight Watchers (lost 4st since last May) but have lost my mojo since Christmas :(. I am in a Facebook group, where we are all with ww and what we do is post daily menu plans, some recipies and we set ourself mini goals for example loose a certain amount of weight by easter, do a bit more excercise, but if we dont make our mini goal we dont beat ourselves up about it. We post status updates on it as well for when we need that wee bit of emotional encouragement, I find it a great help. 🙂
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