Supermarket Lighting

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Morning all,

This is a bit of a weird one!! I have noticed over the last few months whilst in Tescos/Waitrose (big stores) etc that the lighting makes me feel a little 'strange' dizzy etc, and I often go hypo! For no other reason!!

I am often told men do not 'do' shopping!! :D Does this happen to anybody else?
Hi Phil, you should have a read of this thread:


One of my early warning signs of a hypo is my vision and reaction to light, particularly artificial light. Not sure whether the light helps trigger the hypo or vice versa, but it does seem common to hypo in supermarkets!

Thanks Northie,

I hadn't seen the previous thread before.......almost feel 'normal' again now! :D Phew! For me it is the lights that do it, the artificial, flickery, tube lighting that you find in the bigger supermarkets! :confused: I Still think it's weird though!
every time i go into a supermarket or big shopping centre i always feel wierd, i feel very dizzy as if im going to fall, so is this to do with diabetes then?
The lights seem to affect more people with long term medical conditions than people without anything. In my hubby they trigger migraines and in one of my friends the trigger seizures. I think it must be something to do with the way our eyes recieve light, but that is just speculation.
The lights seem to affect more people with long term medical conditions than people without anything. In my hubby they trigger migraines and in one of my friends the trigger seizures. I think it must be something to do with the way our eyes recieve light, but that is just speculation.

Type 1 diabetes is the only 'long term medical' condition that I currently have, but thanks for cheering me up Caroline! 😉
Thanks Northie,

I hadn't seen the previous thread before.......almost feel 'normal' again now! :D Phew! For me it is the lights that do it, the artificial, flickery, tube lighting that you find in the bigger supermarkets! :confused: I Still think it's weird though!

I'd avoid them on medical grounds then Phil - order over t'interweb! 🙂
I have trouble with them as well, have done for years. I'm fairly photosensitive anyway (I may be a vampire!) and strip lights especially seem to cause me problems like halos round everything and dizziness. The glare gives me a headache too. I can get very disoriented in supermarkets and have been known to lose my balance and fall over (not epilepsy, I've been tested).

We have a couple of strip lights in the office which aren't too bad as they have those metal strips across that break up the light and I have a 'daylight' desk lamp which seems to help a bit.
yup another one here who has had 3 funny turns in the supermarket , northey has already put up his little poem, your not alone in getting this feeling phil x
I'd avoid them on medical grounds then Phil - order over t'interweb! 🙂

I do all of my groceries shopping on the internet because I HATE with a passion shopping on a saturday when it is crowded. SO far i have had good service with Sainsburys. they phone if they are going to be late and I get a voucher. A couple of times I have had stuff I didn't have to pay for and one time I got lots of free fruit and vege because their scales didn't work.

There are all kinds of things on the internet, so unless you want to hand pick something yourself, you don't need to ever go into a shop again except to top u on things like bread and milk, and we do that in out little local corner shop.
Type 1 diabetes is the only 'long term medical' condition that I currently have, but thanks for cheering me up Caroline! 😉

It's Monday, if I have cheered one person up, I have done something right.
I haven't noticed this in larger shops but we have a small Tesco near us where within 5 minutes I used to have the start of a migraine (pre-diabetes). Haven't been in since I became T1 - not sure I want to find out which would start first Hypo or Migraine.

I have also noticed the problem in some of the smaller shops at shopping centres - typically non-flash / non nationals.
They changed the lightening at my work a few years ago, everyone complained of headaches including myself, took around 3-4 weeks before my eyes adjusted but not sure about supermarket lighting as I rarely venture into these places.
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