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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Ouch . . Hey Guys . . .

. . ouch . . Got a bit . . a lot!!! 😱 . . sunburnt today, what should I expect for tomorrow do you think? . . ouch . . Hypo from heat? or hyper from "injury"?

Oh yeah did i mention OUCH!!! 😱

Im stupid :D
You plonker!

Heheheeee---I did the same last week! 😉

Have you got after sun? Lop it in the fridge and then when you slap it on its nice and cold and soothing! I was taking anti-hystamines last week for hayfever, but I think they helped a bit.

I had normal hot weather numbers- low. But I know others go high so goodness knows....

Is it funny sunburn? Can we laught at it? 🙂
Ooh nasty! 😱 I would expect hyper from the stress! Hope it's not as bad as you fear!
If you have friends like mine you can expect alot of slaps on the back (right on the sore bit) and over friendly hugs lol:D
Hope the sunburn eases soon. Keep your skin moistrised either with after sun or antisceptic cream (get one that works well for burns) Keep it in the fridge to keep it cool and I will help.

On the odd occaision I get sun burn, I find I also dehydrate pretty quickly too, so keep water handy and have regular sips to prevent drying out too.
Thanks all - slightly less sore today, although hairdrying my hair this morning wasnt a pleasant experience!!!

Did have night hypo, but im not sure if that was more down to the volume of walking we did yesterday rather than the burn. So many things to take into account with this bloomin' diabetes stuff!

Yes Lou you may laugh! although thank fully I avoided burning my face!

One bonus - at least you wont miss me on saturday!! Ill be the glowing object giving off more heat than the sun!!! :D
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