Sukkarto 500mg x 2 per day Side Effects

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all
I have NEVER used a forum before so apologies for probably breaking all the etiquitte rules. (Whats a tag?) I am hoping someone here can advise me on the issue I have below as its now affecting my mental health. Unless advised otherwise I am stopping these awful pills with immediate effect. I was only recently diagnosed diabetic with a 99 reading after a blood test. I was immediately prescribed these horrible pills and told to cut out carbs which I have been doing. I stopped all carbs so no potatoes, bread, bananas, crackers etc. Now I read that I am supposed to be eating carbs with these pills. I am so confused and would welcome any and all advice because I just dont know what to do.

I have recently been subscribed (8 weeks ago) Sukkarto 500mg x 2 per day.
I keep having diarrhoea which has now become lifechanging in its consequences. I have a company to run but am compromised by the constant toilet calls.
My question is I have just seen in the leaflet that I should eat carbohydrates regularly throughout the day. This has confused me as I have always avoided carbohydrates due to my diabetes.
Has this got a bearing on my side effects?
I just posted about the 5 weeks I took Metformin and Atorvastatin - excuse me from repeating it as that time was so very distressing.
I decided to stop taking them just before Christmas 5 years ago.
I had already stopped eating all the 'healthy' carbs as listed on my GP's diet sheet and in 80 days from diagnosis I was no longer in the diabetes range I went from Hba1c of 91 to 47, and in 6 months down to 41, the top end of normal.
I have been eating low carb options, salad stuff and stir fry, making stews and casseroles, so I am eating a fair bit of it, and having berries as well, but not often.
We don't need high carb foods at all, but I find that the amount I eat means variety, taste and texture for all my meals.
I was already eating low carb when I was taking the tablets, and the worst effects stopped in a couple of days from throwing them out - I was unable to go out of the house after taking the pills, so I fasted in the mornings and took them at lunch time.
As described some people do react very badly to that medication and really if it persists for more than just a few weeks then they should be going back to the GP and asking for an alternative medication which is available. So do that as soon as you can. Don't forget it is always your decision whether to take a medication or not.

Dietary changes are also needed and that is in reducing carbohydrates but that does not mean NO carbohydrates. Remember it is all carbohydrates not just 'sugar' that you should be looking to watch your intake of. The suggested amount is no more than 130g per day total carbs.
It sounds as if you are getting conflicting information and that is often because many GP are sticking with the NHS Eatwell plate which many who are Type 2 diabetic is far too high in carbohydrate for them to tolerate.
Everybody has a theory as to what people should do which they post on various media some good some bad, the skill is in deciding what might work for you.
I found the principals in this link worked for in in reducing my HbA1C from 50mmol/mol (not very high I know compared to some) to 42 in 3 months without medication. It is a low carb approach (not NO carb) based on real food.
Hi all
I have NEVER used a forum before so apologies for probably breaking all the etiquitte rules. (Whats a tag?) I am hoping someone here can advise me on the issue I have below as its now affecting my mental health. Unless advised otherwise I am stopping these awful pills with immediate effect. I was only recently diagnosed diabetic with a 99 reading after a blood test. I was immediately prescribed these horrible pills and told to cut out carbs which I have been doing. I stopped all carbs so no potatoes, bread, bananas, crackers etc. Now I read that I am supposed to be eating carbs with these pills. I am so confused and would welcome any and all advice because I just dont know what to do.

I have recently been subscribed (8 weeks ago) Sukkarto 500mg x 2 per day.
I keep having diarrhoea which has now become lifechanging in its consequences. I have a company to run but am compromised by the constant toilet calls.
My question is I have just seen in the leaflet that I should eat carbohydrates regularly throughout the day. This has confused me as I have always avoided carbohydrates due to my diabetes.
Has this got a bearing on my side effects?
Have you been back to the GP to change medication? There’s a slow release version you can try that has much less side effects
I think it is the slow release version the OP is taking.
They don’t say it’s slow release but if it is then go back to the GP to change to another medication. There’s literally hundreds of options.
Sukkarto is the brand name for one of the Slow Release matformin.
Thank you all fr your advice. Initially I was tolerating the pills OK eating my normal food. Then I read a book which said you should go low carb 65mg per day. It was after doing this, about a week that the chaos started :(
1/Should I eat normal food and stay on meds
2/Stop meds but go on low carb diet.(preferred as Im losing wait and need to lose a lot more) was 19st 13lb now 18st 5lb
I was just confused when I read the medicine leaflet that said I must eat carbs regularly throughout the day)
I dont have a huge faith in gps either but will ring them tomorrow when back open.
Sorry you are having issues with Sukkarto. I found I could tolerate 1 tablet a day, but no more, so I was put on Canagliflozin as well. It makes you pee more but is much better than the cramps and runs of Sukkarto. I've just had Linagliptin added to the mix. Another popular drug is Gliclazide. So there are choices - you really need to speak to your GP or diabetic nurse, as 8 weeks is more than long enough to know your bowel has not settled.
With an HbA1c of 99 you do need assistance getting your blood glucose under control, as it is high, and can lead to damage long term. Well done on losing weight - it's a great start and will have helped. Carbs are a very individual thing and it can take trial and error to sort out what suits your body best.
Some people can go very low carb no problem, others, like me, need more. A lot of people test regularly to work out what foods affect them. You test immediately before and 2 hours after 1st bite, and see what the rise is. You should ideally start at 4 - 7 mmol/l before and rise by no more than 2 - 3 mmol/l, ideally less than 8.5 mmol/l (I think - no doubt someone will correct me if I'm wrong. That way you can see what effects certain carbs have. For example, I can have 2 baby potatoes, or 1 small slice of wholemeal bread no problem, but rice, pasta and apples are lethal for me. Others have different tolerances.
I think you might be best to increase your carb level (but stay under 130gm a day) and see how it goes. I tried 50gm but felt ill, then I switched to 90gm +-15gm, which seems to suit me fine. Hopefully a change of medication will solve your problem though.
Sorry you are having issues with Sukkarto. I found I could tolerate 1 tablet a day, but no more, so I was put on Canagliflozin as well. It makes you pee more but is much better than the cramps and runs of Sukkarto. I've just had Linagliptin added to the mix. Another popular drug is Gliclazide. So there are choices - you really need to speak to your GP or diabetic nurse, as 8 weeks is more than long enough to know your bowel has not settled.
With an HbA1c of 99 you do need assistance getting your blood glucose under control, as it is high, and can lead to damage long term. Well done on losing weight - it's a great start and will have helped. Carbs are a very individual thing and it can take trial and error to sort out what suits your body best.
Some people can go very low carb no problem, others, like me, need more. A lot of people test regularly to work out what foods affect them. You test immediately before and 2 hours after 1st bite, and see what the rise is. You should ideally start at 4 - 7 mmol/l before and rise by no more than 2 - 3 mmol/l, ideally less than 8.5 mmol/l (I think - no doubt someone will correct me if I'm wrong. That way you can see what effects certain carbs have. For example, I can have 2 baby potatoes, or 1 small slice of wholemeal bread no problem, but rice, pasta and apples are lethal for me. Others have different tolerances.
I think you might be best to increase your carb level (but stay under 130gm a day) and see how it goes. I tried 50gm but felt ill, then I switched to 90gm +-15gm, which seems to suit me fine. Hopefully a change of medication will solve your problem though.
I really do appreciate your comments. Its not easy this diabetic thing is it? I have not taken the meds today as I want to see how my low carb diet works on my levels without it. Plus I really do want to leave the house/prison for some air 🙂
I have spent hours trawling the web but can only find conflicting advice on just about every diabetic subject. Who do you believe? maybe I will have to start testing myself like you advise as have never done that before. Hopefully it will allow me the odd slice of seeded bread or the like. Soooooooo confusing.
2/Stop meds but go on low carb diet.(preferred as Im losing wait and need to lose a lot more
That's what I did .. pills in the bin and changed what I ate.

In remission for the past 7 years. Mainly keto/carnivore diet.
I really do appreciate your comments. Its not easy this diabetic thing is it? I have not taken the meds today as I want to see how my low carb diet works on my levels without it. Plus I really do want to leave the house/prison for some air 🙂
I have spent hours trawling the web but can only find conflicting advice on just about every diabetic subject. Who do you believe? maybe I will have to start testing myself like you advise as have never done that before. Hopefully it will allow me the odd slice of seeded bread or the like. Soooooooo confusing.

If you skim this site you'll find the same conflicting information.
Probably more.

Many focus solely on BG as being the way to control diabetes.
But low carb diet control for life wouldn't have let me live the life I wanted to.

I worked with the NHS to look at the bigger picture, BG, cholesterol,weight, fitness, which was my personal answer.

So, I would say the only person you believe is yourself, decide want you want to achieve, and balance that with what will work for you, and what you want to do, personally.
One of the best ways is looking a good reliable sources of information about the various methods of reducing your blood glucose and maintaining it once you get there.
Everybody is different and what suits one would not be tolerable for someone else. Some people find that a shakes-based or other low calorie regime suits then well to give a kick start to losing weight and reducing blood glucose but others find that a low carbohydrate approach suits them better as it is based on real foods, meat, fish, eggs, cheese, with vegetables, salads and fruit like berries and find that is more sustainable long term. A low carb way is definitely not NO carb and many will settle on somewhere between 50 and 130g per day total carbs not just 'sugar'.
Testing with a home blood glucose monitor will give you control over your diabetes as you can test what foods you as an individual are able to tolerate.
By looking at your meals and testing before you eat and after 2 hours an increase of no more than 2-3mmol/l or no more than 8-8.5mmol/l will indicate your meal is Ok but if you see much bigger increases then you would need to cut out or reduce the portion of the higher carb food item.
The link I posted earlier should give you some ideas.
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