Suitable anxiety meds /natural remedies to take with Metformin

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello, I feel like my stress and anxiety levels are through the roof and they are not looking like they are going to come down soon as my severely disabled son is hitting puberty and he is displaying challenging behaviour. I don’t really want to have to go on medication, so I was wondering what other natural remedies other people might recommend to take with Metformin. I obviously would seek advice off my pharmacist before I start anything, but I want advice from other diabetics first. Thank you.
If you are an ordinary type 2 then the problem is carbohydrate in the diet.
Reduce carbohydrate until the blood test show normal numbers and all should be well.
Humans are simply not equipped to eat sugar and starch in the quantities available from shops without some consequences, one of them being type 2, but there are quite a few other problems which fade away on a low carb diet.
If you want something natural to treat anxiety then try mindfulness, increasing exercise, or any other mental relaxation exercises.

I take Propanalol 3x a day and find it helps a lot to take the edge off.
I am trying to do those things, but they are hard to fit in when I’m a full-time carer for my severely non-verbal autistic child. Especially as he is struggling too, then the constant care team meetings etc on top. Thank you for your reply.
I use a beta blocker prescribed by my Gp, helps with blood pressure too, slow release version works better for me especially as I forget to take meds in day time sometimes. My diet changes have been key as well to reducing anxiety and tearful days as well.
I am trying to do those things, but they are hard to fit in when I’m a full-time carer for my severely non-verbal autistic child. Especially as he is struggling too, then the constant care team meetings etc on top. Thank you for your reply.
If you’re struggling to fit in non medication based treatments for your anxiety then perhaps you need a medication based treatment?
Metformin works well with most other medications but do check with the pharmacist.
Just enormous {{{Hugs}}}. Any and all stress - or even excitement - can increase your BG and I know it's been stressful since the lad was born and it raised its head - we have a great grandson with non verbal autism - only 3ish at the mo, BUT.....

No Way Josee can you get rid of that particular stress - and your doctor (GP) should both be well able to understand 'why' and try and help you both with the diabetes AND your - and your son's - mental health.
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