Sugary drinks.

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Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Yesterday I felt like a criminal when i bought a bottle of lilt as a treat lol,I took it home and put it in the fridge for later , later came and i had it with my evening meal well i had half the bottle i had my other half down my throat straight away saying what the *** are you doing with that get it down the sink i felt rather humiliated in front of my dad and left the room, i thought he was rather ott but i did just want to ask you guys one drink like that aint all that bad is it as long as im not glugging it through a straw in my sleep yeah??? I was sick of water you see and wanted to try it i did test my levels and i was 7.2.


p.s by the way if it is really bad I wont be having another.x
i think we are all advised not to have it because of the high amounts of fast acting sugar - but it's down to you whether you have it or not! i agree that seemed a little OTT though - humiliation is not the way to go!

why don't you buy some lilt zero from a supermarket? asda do their own range of soft drinks, and the packaging is suspiciously similar to the 'proper' drinks! plus they are much cheaper!
Yesterday I felt like a criminal when i bought a bottle of lilt as a treat lol,I took it home and put it in the fridge for later , later came and i had it with my evening meal well i had half the bottle i had my other half down my throat straight away saying what the *** are you doing with that get it down the sink i felt rather humiliated in front of my dad and left the room, i thought he was rather ott but i did just want to ask you guys one drink like that aint all that bad is it as long as im not glugging it through a straw in my sleep yeah??? I was sick of water you see and wanted to try it i did test my levels and i was 7.2.


p.s by the way if it is really bad I wont be having another.x

Steff, sometimes we all need a treat dont we? We all know what is healthy and unhealthy in terms of fat, sugar and salt etc. In terms of the diabetes we need to control our glucose levels and that is something quite different.

We all need to know how certain foodstuffs affect our levels so we can act accordingly, very difficult to control as a type two on meds. What i will say Steff is that it will be much easier on insulin as long as you get the doses right.

I hate it when people dont understand when i eat chocolate or biscuits. And i constantly have to explain I CAN EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING, IT IS A MYTH THAT I CANT. thats my personal rant, he he.

I know your OH worries a great deal about you and that is why he said what he did, he probably didnt realise he would upset you, plus he is not used to seeing you have a treat like this?

I eat and drink whatever i want, nothing is out of bounds, i am a normal person who happens to have diabetes, this is my philosophy. I limit my unhealthy snacks etc, purely for health reasons and certainly not for diabetic reasons. Sorry i have written an essay Steff, but this is something i feel strongly about. I hope it has helped in some way though, 🙂
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i think we are all advised not to have it because of the high amounts of fast acting sugar - but it's down to you whether you have it or not! i agree that seemed a little OTT though - humiliation is not the way to go!

why don't you buy some lilt zero from a supermarket? asda do their own range of soft drinks, and the packaging is suspiciously similar to the 'proper' drinks! plus they are much cheaper!

I wont be buying anymore hun that was just a one off im sticking to water from now on, i just keep getting from my dad water from the tap is much cheaper pet lol .
Steff, sometimes we all need a treat dont we? We all know what is healthy and unhealthy in terms of fat, sugar and salt etc. In terms of the diabetes we need to control our glucose levels and that is something quite different.

We all need to know how certain foodstuffs affect our levels so we can act accordingly, very difficult to control as a type two on meds. What i will say Steff is that it will be mucch easier on insulin as long as you get the doses right.

I hate it when people dont understand when i eat chocolate or biscuits. And i constantly have to explain I CAN EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING, IT IS A MYTH THAT I CANT. thats my personal rant, he he.

I know your OH worries a great deal about you and that is why he said what he did, he probably didnt realise he would upset you, plus he is not used to seeing you have a treat like this?

I eat and drink whatever i want, nothing is out of bounds, i am a normal person who happens to have diabetes, this is my philosophy. I limit my unhealthy snacks etc, purely for health reasons and certainly not for diabetic reasons. Sorry i have written an essay Steff, but this is something i feel strongly about. I hope it has helped in some way though, 🙂

thanks tracey very appreciative of your reply hun, I know he didnt mean to upset me and he came after me but just his words you know, i was'nt purposely being hab dash or anything i just wanted to dip my toe in the water x
Maybe you should talk to him about how his reaction made you feel. Sometimes we just need to have something that we generally wouldn't have. For me it's a proper glass of fruit juice, apple or orange. Sometimes I just crave a nice cold glass of juice.
Hey Steff.......Dont be to hard on your OH, he probably meant well and was taken by surprise to see you take a high sugar drink, and it was a quick reaction, try and think what would have happened if you were feeling unwell after the drink and he had taken no notice..He would then have been accused of showing no interest in your diabetes and how things affect you..

Take care friend
John x
I like the zero drinks, but one full monty fizzy drink from time to time is nice as a treat with a meal. I think the other half was a bit OTT in his reaction, but it is because he cares.
Hey Steff.......Dont be to hard on your OH, he probably meant well and was taken by surprise to see you take a high sugar drink, and it was a quick reaction, try and think what would have happened if you were feeling unwell after the drink and he had taken no notice..He would then have been accused of showing no interest in your diabetes and how things affect you..

Take care friend
John x

What a lovely thought ty John im always so one sided when it comes to my other half i always think the worse x
What a lovely thought ty John im always so one sided when it comes to my other half i always think the worse x

I wont tell you EXACTLY what I say when i think the hubby over reacts, but it is along the lines of go away and leave me alone and stop interfering etc...
........ later came and i had it with my evening meal well i had half the bottle i had my other half down my throat straight away saying what the *** are you doing with that get it down the sink i felt rather humiliated in front of my dad and left the room, i thought he was rather ott ..........
Steff - It just sounds as though he cares a lot about you as far as I'm concerned.

We all need a treat from time to time. He obviously cares deeply for you but I would have been the same with my husband if he'd reacted like that. He knows not to say anything about my diabetes unless I ask his opinion because I get quite touchy about the subject 😱 even though I know he's only trying to help me xx
I am very sensitive as well Emma when it comes to my diabetes and I got the impression he was barking at me , i know how to handle myself better then anyone but i agree with john if he had said nothing id accused him of not caring lol. men cant win.
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