sugary drinks and alcohol

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hey all hope ur well 🙂

just wanted to ask if when im drinking alcohol and i wanted to have a sugary drink if i feel im going to low then how long does it take for my sugar to rise??

does it take longer because ive got alcohol in my system or will it just rise at the same rate as when ive not taken alcohol??

so say i was droppin down to like 6 and i had had some alcohol and i wanted it to rise up to ten or something then would it rise just as quik as without alcohol in your system??? or could i still end up goin hypo cause the 6 will just keep dropping....

hope this makes sense lol hahaha

cause i tend to panic if my sugars start droppin and i drink lots of sugary drink wen im out and then i end up sky high lol but its cause im worried il just keep droppin if i dont have lots lol

ta mucho xxx
The sugary drink will raise your blood sugar just as quick as if you hadn't been drinking, but it would be better to have some slower carbs - crisps or chips or something - as these would give you a slower rise and keep your levels up whilst your liver is busy processing the alcohol. Do a bit of trial and error, and test frequently to see how you are responding (not trying to persuade you to drink more often! 🙂)
The sugary drink will raise your blood sugar just as quick as if you hadn't been drinking, but it would be better to have some slower carbs - crisps or chips or something - as these would give you a slower rise and keep your levels up whilst your liver is busy processing the alcohol. Do a bit of trial and error, and test frequently to see how you are responding (not trying to persuade you to drink more often! 🙂)

thanks very much for the info 🙂 now i know not to go overboard with the sugary drink and end up in the 20s eeeek lol

haha lol dont worry il b cautious 🙂 xx
i find i can get away with a vodka and lemonade as the alcohol sort of balances out the sugar....well it works for me but i guess we are all different and its all trial and error 🙂

I have not yet tries an alcopop as these are FULL of sugar and dont want anything to happen! but i can have shots and wine these dont usually effect me.
i find i can get away with a vodka and lemonade as the alcohol sort of balances out the sugar....well it works for me but i guess we are all different and its all trial and error 🙂

I have not yet tries an alcopop as these are FULL of sugar and dont want anything to happen! but i can have shots and wine these dont usually effect me.

i see, well i usually have vodka. so see cause its got like no carb in it will it not make my sugar drop??

it all confuses me with the alcohol thing lol
Any alcohol will make your blood sugar drop

This is because your liver has two jobs - kicking out glucose to regulate blood sugar, and dealing with alcohol. So when you drink, your liver is too busy dealing with the alcohol that it doesnt kick out any glucose as it cant do both and this is what causes your sugar levels to drop 🙂
Today my liver has only had time for one job, dealing with Alcohol, not good, why do I do it! I think I need to read up about liver function and all that to understand it all properly, or at least try! Then maybe it will scare me into just having the occasional one!

Loz hope you work it all out safely!😉

Play safe all

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