Sugars out of range alert? (Medtronic 640g)

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
On my old Medtronic pump I got an alert every time I tested my sugars and they were out of range. The DSN I saw on Friday said I could set this up on my 640G, but I'm blowed if I can find the setting.

Can anyone enlighten me?
Can't help personally @Cate, but I know we have members who use this facility, so hopefully they will be along to explain 🙂
no idea for your pump the handbook would be a good bet and do you have an alarm/alert function to set up on your pump?
Are you using sensors Cate? You can set thresholds for high/low alarms within the sensor menu. The pump also gives an advisory message if you enter a BG level over 14, a message appears onscreen advising to check cannula/tubing and test ketones.
On both my Accu-Chek ones, the 'alarm' bits are pre-programed - under 4 and you get an alarm and over 13 you get one. I don't think you can alter the limits but I could be wrong. I'd have to read the manual myself - but it might be quicker to just ring your DSN!
Good luck finding out Cate 🙂. Getting my 640 in new year 😎
Thanks. No, not using sensors (sadly, I'd love to!). Will have another read of the manual - though it wasn't apparent on my first go-through. Perhaps I was looking at the wrong section.
There are automatic warnings above and below certain limits when BG results are sent from the Contour Next meter to the MM640G. Can't recall the numbers exactly, but I think they are below 4 and above 14.

Seeing either of those numbers I know I need to take action, so the pump warbling away and reminding me (plus needing alert screens to be cleared) is something I'd rather turn off if I could, but they seem to be hard-wired into the system rather than configurable as options.
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