Sugars high in the morning

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right place but here goes:

My sugar levels are higher when I get up in the morning than when I went to bed the night before and I can't seem to lower them. I don't eat after 6.30/7pm each night, don't eat too many carbs and never touch dessert. I take my tablets properly and get enough sleep.

Last night I tested at 10.30pm having eaten at 6. Level was 10.4 this morning at 9am before breakfast it was 14.3. What am I doing wrong?
Hi Vix, welcome to the forum 🙂

Just wondering, what is a typical day's food for you? Definitely sounds like the old Dawn Phenomenon though, I have this problem too! x
Can't add to advice alread given, but wanted to say welcome to the forum. I hope you get all the help and support you want or need.
Hi Vix, welcome to the forum 🙂

Just wondering, what is a typical day's food for you? Definitely sounds like the old Dawn Phenomenon though, I have this problem too! x

Hi Katie, I've been experimenting and testing to oblivion each time I have a new food, but at the moment a typical day would be:

Breakfast: Muller Light with a handful of Lizi's Granola
Lunch: 3 Wholegrain thin crackers, cheese and some ham
Dinner: chicken and vegetables in some form or another.

I'm on school holidays at the moment so not as active as I would normally be and am not getting hungry. I might need to adjust lunch once I'm back at work though. Levels are coming down, last night at 11pm I was 8.0 and on waking this morning 9.0 The smallest change in a long time.

I have to thank WallyCorker for the improved levels though, his advice seems to be working. With that in mind, WHY does the medical profession still advocate a diet high in starchy carbs?

WHY does the medical profession still advocate a diet high in starchy carbs?


I was diagnosed in October 2009 and they didn't say that to me.

They did tell me to eat a balanced diet which includes carbohydrate. They most decidedly did not tell me to eat a diet High in starchy carbohydrate.

Andy 🙂
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I was diagnosed in October 2009 and they didn't say that to me.

They did tell me to eat a balanced diet which includes carbohydrate. They most decidedly did not say High in starchy carbohydrate (well, to me anyway).

Andy 🙂

I didn't even get this from my doctor. I was just told DON'T eat this or that...
I was diagnosed in October 2009 and they didn't say that to me.

They did tell me to eat a balanced diet which includes carbohydrate. They most decidedly did not tell me to eat a diet High in starchy carbohydrate.

Andy 🙂

Maybe I could have phrased this a little differently! What I meant to say was that I was advised to based my meals on rice, pasta and potatoes, yet these are the exact foods that seem to send me into the stratosphere if I eat more than a mouthful. I've just changed doctors as I wasn't happy with the care I was getting from the last one, and so far things are going well, he's tough yet gives advice, rather than being tough and leaving me to work it all out for myself!
.............What I meant to say was that I was advised to based my meals on rice, pasta and potatoes, yet these are the exact foods that seem to send me into the stratosphere if I eat more than a mouthful....................
Yes Vix001, I agree! That is the general advice which is given out by healthcare professionals to most people with Type 2 diabetes.

Moreover, following that advice generally takes the blood glucose level of non-insulin-dependent diabetics into double figures - i.e. to levels that it is considered that we ought to be avoiding if we are to steer clear of the very nasty complications that can come the way of people with diabetes.

Glad to read that my own experiences may have been of some use to you in learning to get control of your own condition.

Best wishes and good luck - John

I was told to include SOME starch at every meal but to only have it cover a third of my plate (definitely not to eat a high starch diet). The important thing was to include it though at every meal. I have to say for the first time in years this method does seem to help me lose weight and keep it off.

However a third of a plate may only be 1/2 jacket spud, or a very small portion of basmati rice or wholemeal pasta - with lots and lots of veg.

I was told to include SOME starch at every meal but to only have it cover a third of my plate (definitely not to eat a high starch diet). The important thing was to include it though at every meal. I have to say for the first time in years this method does seem to help me lose weight and keep it off.

However a third of a plate may only be 1/2 jacket spud, or a very small portion of basmati rice or wholemeal pasta - with lots and lots of veg.

Agreed. This is my experience of the advice given too and it seems to be working very well for me.

It's a shame that there seems to be so many 'professionals' out there who are giving really dodgy (or unclear) advice!

Hello Vix welcome to the forum...the good ol Dawn phenomenon, something i had never heard of until joining this forum! I find i suffer with this from time to time....

Hope the advice helps you, this forum is a godsend for information 🙂

Bernie xx
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