sugarbum and new veo's

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes

I got a phonecall 3 days ago to say that the new updated veo is on its way to me. I got the impression that i was lower down on the list because we are the only ones at our clinic who have a medtronic pump - most use roche.

Just thought i would let you know because i would have thought you were a number 1 priority as your pump was sent back months ago!

I would give them a ring on Monday if i were you - I do hope you havent been overlooked?

I havent made contact with them about this as i assumed they would contact me when things had been sorted out.🙂Bev

Do you know if these will have found their way into the hands of DSN's etc by March?

Oh Bev!

Thank you so much for this message! You are so kind to think of me!

I hadnt heard anything at all. I think I mentioned to you (or on the thread?) that when I put my last order in for supplies I wasnt on their list? The lady I spoke to didnt know how they were being rolled, she had just returned from mat leave unfortunately.

I will definately chase that up with them tomorrow. Thanks for the tip off. I was missing my Veo last night as it goes.....I reviewed my basal and made incremental changes of 0.05 on every hour, having looked at my Carelink and not really seen a pattern in my highs. But I would have stepped up by 0.025 and made a more gradual rise if I had the Veo! Ah well, I woke up at 9.2mmols this morning (but BIG pasta last night!) so my increase hasnt made much of a difference this morning.

BTW Bev, I dont know if A ever got into watching 1HappyDiabetic on You Tube, but I watched his latest post night and I note he did a conversion of his blood glucose to the UK mmols, very good! He obviously realises he is now global! Also he has a new post for teens, might appeal....I still love him!

Thanks again Bev, hope all goes well with the new Veo- look forward to hearing when you have got it!

Lou xx

Do you know if these will have found their way into the hands of DSN's etc by March?


I would say almost certainly Tom! If I get any info Tom when I call them tomorrow I will post or FB you.

Tom, i am fairly sure that you will get your new veo - but if i were you i would ring the local rep just to make sure!🙂

I wonder what they will do with all the 'old' veo's without the new software?🙂Bev
Tom, i am fairly sure that you will get your new veo - but if i were you i would ring the local rep just to make sure!🙂

I wonder what they will do with all the 'old' veo's without the new software?🙂Bev

Thanks Bev.

I think that they would update the software on the old Veos if that's possible.

Do you know are we getting back the one that was originally ours, but with the new software on.....or is it a brand new pump with the new software on?

Cheers x
Brand spanking new pump with bells and whistles on!:DBev
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