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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi. I am Type 2. I am on 500mg Metformin twice a day, and have lost a fair bit of my excess weight. I am stuck though, and still need to lose 2 & 1/2 stone, but my sweet tooth is my big holdback as well as not being able to exercise while I await spinal operation number 3. I eat loads of fruit, I have a healthy breakfast, I drink loads of water and other fluids, I have a light lunch and a dinner - usually meat/poultry/fish and veg. But I cannot control myself with sweet things that call me. I've even bought some apple cider gummies - one a day as I believe they might help. Has anyone got any other hints/tips please.
I have a recommendation, to test your blood glucose yourself at home. I think if you could physically see what all the fruit or anything else sweet you are unable to resist has on your blood glucose, you'll be shocked enough to realise you need to stop eating it. Then you should restart losing weight, you'll be able to have your operation and be in a much better place to recover properly from it.
I have to say, home testing worked like that for me even with savoury stuff. I quit the sweet stuff as soon as I realised that my symptoms were diabetes ..... and I was a self confessed sugar addict. I could eat a whole multipack of snack size Snickers in one afternoon or a whole box of Cadbury's cream eggs in one go.... There was no off switch once I started, so I went cold turkey. Once I quite the sweet stuff then I started cutting down the savoury carbs. I remembers one night I ate a whole large packet of Jacob's salt and vinegar crackers and my BG went up to 27. This was before I started on insulin, so I had no way to bring it down other than to drink water and I was so mortified that I might end up in hospital because of my gluttony that I drank pint after pint of water all through the night to try to flush it out. I am no longer tempted by those crackers even though they were a favourite and I occasionally buy them for my partner still. Seeing those high numbers on the meter really do help to curb your enthusiasm.

The other thing that helped me is that the less carbs I ate, the less I craved. You say you eat a healthy breakfast and I am thinking that is likely porridge or some sort of cereal which is very high carb.... maybe add in some fruit (more carbs).... and you end up with a potentially quite unhealthy breakfast for a Type 2 diabetic. Happy for you to correct me and say you have full fat Greek yoghurt and nuts and seeds.
The fruit is feeding your need for sugar unfortunately. Try some cheese instead.
I suspect your healthy breakfast may not be healthy at all? Sugar is addictive and the less you have the less you will crave it. Have plenty of proteins and fats to keep you feeling full. Eggs and bacon for breakfast is one option.
I had no trouble at all avoiding anything sweet or carby while I was on my weight loss regime, but once stable I found myself sneaking stuff in. I posted on the forum and someone sensibly suggested just not buying those snacks. Since then I've found the only way for me to maintain my weight and glucose levels is just to not have anything in the house which might tempt me. I'm happy to buy for my partner and son and get them to store their biscuits etc on the high shelf in the pantry which I can't reach and therefore don't think about! 🙂
i am a compulsive eater and can't have stuff in the house or I will eat it. I now see Broccoli and a sprinkle of cheddar as a reward not chocolate.... or a bit of spanish cheese.
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Get the Carbs and Cals book and you will soon see what carbs are in most things. I am afraid it is just willpower then you will find other foods that satisfy your needs.
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