Sugar readings

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Anne the artist

Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I take a Metformin tablet with each meal, 3 times a day. I monitor my sugar from time to time as I can get too obsessive about it and worry. This morning I read 7, and after a breakfast of about 30 carbs, iread 13. I just can't cut down any more as I feel hungry. Last night I had grilled chicken breast, it slice of unbuttered brown bread and a pile of salad. What else can I do. I keep carbs to around 120 a day.
I take a Metformin tablet with each meal, 3 times a day. I monitor my sugar from time to time as I can get too obsessive about it and worry. This morning I read 7, and after a breakfast of about 30 carbs, iread 13. I just can't cut down any more as I feel hungry. Last night I had grilled chicken breast, it slice of unbuttered brown bread and a pile of salad. What else can I do. I keep carbs to around 120 a day.
Some people are more sensitive to carbs in the morning, and 30g carbs is quite a hit of carbs for breakfast, if you tested at 2 hours then it would be a bit too high. Sometimes it is worth rechecking if you get what appears to be an unusual result just in case of something on your fingers or a rogue strip. Don't take too much for a one off reading, have the same breakfast tomorrow and see if it is the same.
120g per day is not too bad as long as it is the total carbs you are counting, though some people find they need to go lower to keep blood glucose where it needs to be.
A lower carb breakfast with protein and healthy fats would help you not feel hungry, so have butter on your bread as it will be the bread that is the carbs not the butter. You could have some coleslaw or mayo on your salad.
See if this link helps you will some ideas for modifying your diet.
I take a Metformin tablet with each meal, 3 times a day. I monitor my sugar from time to time as I can get too obsessive about it and worry. This morning I read 7, and after a breakfast of about 30 carbs, iread 13. I just can't cut down any more as I feel hungry. Last night I had grilled chicken breast, it slice of unbuttered brown bread and a pile of salad. What else can I do. I keep carbs to around 120 a day.

Cut down on the carbs for breakfast? Berries and Greek yoghurt or an egg dish?
Brown bread is high in carbs, so maybe ditch that. Replace it with some steamed veg or cauliflower rice? Use olive oil as a sauce base? This can help keep meals filling.
I take a Metformin tablet with each meal, 3 times a day. I monitor my sugar from time to time as I can get too obsessive about it and worry. This morning I read 7, and after a breakfast of about 30 carbs, iread 13. I just can't cut down any more as I feel hungry. Last night I had grilled chicken breast, it slice of unbuttered brown bread and a pile of salad. What else can I do. I keep carbs to around 120 a day.
Are you taking your metformin correctly?
You'll do much better in terms of feeling hungry, by eating more protein and not deliberately restricting your fat intake. Dunno how old you are, but years ago the egg marketing board used to advertise, 'Go to work on an egg' - and featuring a boiled egg in an egg cup so immediately evoking thoughts of a boiled egg at breakfast time. That slogan still hold good 60 years later - much more help to us all to eat protein for brekkie instead of a bowl of carbohydrate (cereal) instead. The full English is also OK, as are eg kippers. So is plain yoghurt (and most of us develop a preference for thick, full fat, Greek style yoghurt, with or without a small amount of lowish carb fruit eg raspberries or strawberries. Steer clear of fruit FLAVOURED yoghurts - usually much higher carb than yog with real fruit.

Fat can be useful anyway because if you have it with carbohydrate, any time of day, it slows down the speed at which that carb gets converted to glucose in the blood. So if you imagine that carb on its own (eg a slice of 'dry' bread) is converted at 100mph, a slice of the same bread with butter on it, will be converted at 60mph. Mashed boiled potato - mash butter in with it. Boiled new potatoes - serve with a knob of butter. Still fast, just not quite as fast.
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