Sugar levels

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hello, I'm Edna, from France.
My husband has diabetes 1. He spent two days ill with gastroenteritis and he's feeling weak. he should eat something. But his sugar is very high. I wonder if there's any way to lower it, he cannot excercise because he gets seasick.
Well, thank you very much.
Bonsoir Edna, bienvenue au forum! 🙂 What insulin does he have? If his blood sugar levels are high he should be able to take extra insulin to lower it, does he have a doctor or nurse he can ask for advice?
He should also drink plenty- either water or anything light flavoured and carb free (and non alcoholic!) cos at those levels he is quite likely to have ketones, which can be quite dangerous healthwise, and they need to be flushed out of his body.

If he isn't improved in the morning - he needs to see the doctor immediately and if he can't get hold of his GP - go to A&E.
Hello Edna how is your husband now please let us know. Plenty of water and like Northerner said insulin to lower highs and to contact nurse/GP
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