Sugar free syrups?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Has anyone found a sugar free maple type syrup that does not spike their blood glucose?
Skinny Food does a wide range of flavours of syrups, including maple syrup, which some are usually stocked in home bargains. I’ll warn that I found them absolutely disgusting though, just tasted of chemicals.
They will tend to be full of artificial sweeteners which in some people leave a bad aftertaste and taste disgusting.
They are also classed as ultra processed foods..... if you can even call them foods! I did try some of these things in the early days after diagnosis just like I bought all sorts of different artificial sweeteners, and all have horrid after tastes or just don't even taste sweet. The answer is to retrain your palette so that it doesn't crave sweet things.

I always said that I would rather not drink coffee as drink it without sugar. I now have it with real double cream every morning instead and it is my daily little luxury. Cream is lower carb than milk and the fat helps to make you feel full and provides slow release energy and it is not pandering to my sweet tooth, which means that it helps me to change my tastes and not crave sweet stuff.
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