Sugar free Jelly sweets?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all

My mum usually gets a selection of naughty treats to munch on over xmas but as im being good i asked her not to get too much as it would be torture :( she said that she had found on the internet some sugar free jelly sweets, such as jelly teddies, cola bottles etc

Has anyone had any of these or know of them and are they ok to eat or kinda like diabetic chocolate - avoidance is the key :confused:

Thanks 🙂
Hi Emma, it's the same as with any 'sugar-free' sweets I'm afraid, they can upset your tummy if you have too many. Different people have different tolerances though. They still have carbs in, so you need to bear that in mind too.
Agree with Northener on sugar free treats. I try to keep fruit in. Although it iis sweet it is healtheir than sweets.

Howvere if you realy want to get some I think does sugar free, gelatin free and gluten free sweets as well as the normal ones with everything in them.

You are better off sticking to the normal stuff. As you are type 1 and take insulin you could (I'm hoping here you are on MDI) eat what you want but carb count the sweets and inject. That is what I had to do for Jessica when she was on injections and wanted something outside of meal times. She had the choice ie icecream and injection or nothing and no injection. Not a great choice for a child, bit easier perhaps for an adult.
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Id say what caroline said i know its boring but fruit rules for me , sweety snax i have are sqaures of choccie now and again rather hard boiled or kiddy type ones
I'd go for the normal ones everytime. This is where it would be really great if you could adjust your insulin to meet what you are eating. On fixed doses this is pretty difficult, you would have to compensate in your meal to have them covered by your fixed dose.
Hope you manage to be "good" and not feel you're missing out.

I picked up some "sugar free" sweets in a shop the other day, over 60% carbs I think!! 😱
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