Sugar Free chocolate

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

I'm new here.
We just found out that my 60+ years old mom has Diabetes. It's not a surprise since she has been eating sweets and chocolate on daily basis her whole life, but the problem is that she's not planning to quite.

She's taking her meds, but she refuses to quit chocolate.. We really fear for her health.
After doing some research we found out that sugar free chocolate exist.. which is amazing, but we are not sure how safe it actually is and if it's better for diabetic. I attached a link for one of the shops that I've found (I live in Germany).

Sugar free chocolates in Germany

Does anyone have any experience with this kind of products ? is it safe for my mom ?

I'm new here.
We just found out that my 60+ years old mom has Diabetes. It's not a surprise since she has been eating sweets and chocolate on daily basis her whole life, but the problem is that she's not planning to quite.

She's taking her meds, but she refuses to quit chocolate.. We really fear for her health.
After doing some research we found out that sugar free chocolate exist.. which is amazing, but we are not sure how safe it actually is and if it's better for diabetic. I attached a link for one of the shops that I've found (I live in Germany).

Sugar free chocolates in Germany

Does anyone have any experience with this kind of products ? is it safe for my mom ?
It is carbohydrates she need to be being careful of not just sugar and many sugarfree chocolates have the suger replaces with artificial sweeteners but are not any lower carb than normal dark high cocoa content chocolate.
I was given some as a present and they were actually far too sweet and had a horrible after taste.
Look at the carbohydrate content and compare with her normal choc or the dark choc Moser Roth from Aldi is good.
Just watch the amount she has.
Thank you so much for your input! I thought to myself that this is somehow too good to be true. We will consult her new Dr., hopefully we will get to a long term solution!
Thank you so much for your input! I thought to myself that this is somehow too good to be true. We will consult her new Dr., hopefully we will get to a long term solution!
Sorry I was in a rush when I posted before so just to ask a few questions about her diagnosis if you are willing to share will help people with some suggestions. The important thing is knowing what her HbA1C is as that will indicate how much change will be needed, anything over 47mmol/mol gives a diagnosis but how far above that will indicate where she is. You may know this already as you have signed as Type 2. Also what medication is she taking as that may influence what dietary regime may be suitable.
I was diagnosed a couple of years ago although I was pre diabetic for a few years before that but since then following a low carb approach have reduced my HbA1C to normal so it is very possible. I followed the principal in this link which you and she may find helpful in finding a way forward with some changes.
Most of the carbs in some of that that diablo chocolate is 'polyols' which are not digested and shouldn't raise blood sugar. Subtract polyols from the carb total to give the digested carb content.
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