Sugar balancing supplements T2

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I'm not on medication and have been looking at sugar balancing supplements . Are they safe? Thanks for any information
Is it safe to take sugar balancing supplements. The one I'm considering is based around cinnamon

Thanks for your help
By sugar balancing I mean one with 2000mg cinnamon
Not something recommended as people find them as much use as a chocolate teapot and you would be better spending your money on better quality food and a blood glucose monitor and test strips.
Many of these 'magic cures ' have little evidence that they actually work.
The evidence is limited as it's a food supplement and not a drug so hasn't had clinical trials.

It looks like cinnamon "may" be linked with different benefits but if it was a magic bullet wouldn't more research have been done into it?

As always, if you are in any doubt, check with your GP or Diabetic Nurse.

( .... having said that, I've decided to give it a try for 2 months to see if the anti-inflammatory effect helps my arthritis. I'll be watching my BP and blood glucose closely just in case)
Diabetes UK doesn’t recommend them @SheilaAnne

“Diabetes UK does not recommend the use of herbal remedies and supplements as there is not enough evidence that they are safe and effective for people with diabetes to use.”

There’s a write-up here which may give you more information:
@SheilaAnne I had same confusions at the start of my Type 2 journey... My best tips are get fully assessed and checked by GP and Diabetes Nurse, start on low dose of prescription meds, and focus on big lifestyle changes, light exercise short walk every day, cutting out the worst processed junkfoods high sugar high carb high calorie foods for healthier alternatives, more fresh fruit and veg every day, Stevia is plant-based sugar-free sweetener instead of refined sugar, after few weeks you may feel better and you can progress to exercise classes and stricter low calorie diet and increasing your meds, but it's best to take everything at your own pace and spend money on appropriate health foods, weighing scales, glucose monitors and exercise classes/gym membership, it's all up to you, but support forum can answer questions and guide you, best of luck to you 😉
I use a lot of herbs and spices in my cooking, compared to most - though as I was always a taster to be reckoned with when working for Allied Lyons and was taken off the tasting panel as the packaging factory as I could not only taste the contamination from the printing inks I could tell what colour it was, I do not use high quantities, just a lot of different ones.
The surgery staff seem to think that I am doing well with control of my blood glucose, but I can't really claim it is down to the additional flavourings. They certainly make the low carb diet enjoyable.
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