Sudden jump in Hba1c

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Have been T2 for 18 years with no real problems. Hba1c has always been around 40-50. Last year it was 40 and officially in remission. Annual review last week Hba1c has jumped to 72 for no apparent reason (except that I have put on 2Kg). I have a telephone consultation with DN next week but, in the meantime, does anybody have any theories as to what may have gone wrong? Thanks.
Welcome to the forum.
People who have had Covid have found that their blood glucose has gone up and even after the vaccines as well so even if it was a short term increase depending on when it was could be a reason.
However that is quite a jump. I assume you are not home monitoring your blood glucose as that would have alerted you to levels going up.
Has your diet slipped into eating more carbohydrates, sometimes as time passes tolerance to carbs can change so the amount you can cope with on a daily basis has reduced. What may have been healthy options may no longer be so.
Making a food diary of everything you eat and drink with an estimate of the amount of carbs would be helpful to discuss at your appointment.
If you would like to post here the sort of meals you are having people may spot some problem foods.
I assume you are on no medication as your glucose levels were well managed and you were just watching your diet.
Hi Leadinglights, thanks for the reply. I have never needed any medication nor have I followed a particularly strict diet or exercise regime (everything in moderation!). Hence my surprise at this large jump. I'm totally confused!
Hi Leadinglights, thanks for the reply. I have never needed any medication nor have I followed a particularly strict diet or exercise regime (everything in moderation!). Hence my surprise at this large jump. I'm totally confused!
I would suspect your metabolism has changed and you can no longer cope with the amount of carbohydrates you are having, than includes things like potatoes, bread, pasta, rice, cereals as well as obvious things like cakes, biscuits, sugary drinks, and some fruits and fruit juice.
It would be useful for you to try to note how much carbohydrate you are having as many people find that less than 130g per day is needed to keep blood glucose at a normal level.
Stress can cause a sudden increase.
Thanks Harbottle. I suspect that stress has had an influence what with Covid, cancelled holidays etc! I have also had both hips replaced but still getting a lot of pain from osteoarthritis in my neck and spine.
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