Sudden High Blood Sugar Levels Over The Last Week

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Relationship to Diabetes

My son is 9 years old and diagnosed T1 almost 6 months ago, so it has been an emotional rollercoaster few months!

He has just come onto the G7 from the Libre 2 but obviously that is without a pump.

Over the last week he normally well managed blood sugar levels have increased and most days they are anything between 12 - 16. Nothing has changed in his lifestyle or type of food he is eating and I just don't understand why this maybe happening?!

Any thoughts / opinions would be greatly appreciated!
Sorry to hear your son’s levels have been playing up recently :(

A few possibilities:
  1. Sometimes diabetes just changes. It’s incredibly annoying, seasons, changes in hormones, growth spurts, illness, stress levels, ambient temperature… and sometimes even apparently nothing at all can mean tried and trusted doses and timings suddenly stop working. Managing T1 can feel like constantly chasing the moving goalposts
  2. As he is relatively newly diagnosed it is possible that he still has some ‘home brewed’ insulin from any remaining beta cells. Unfortunately the autoimmune attack can continue, so these insulin-producing cells may be killed off, meaning doses can need to notch upwards over the first months/years after diagnosis. This is sometimes called the ‘honeymoon period’
  3. Insulin can go wrong. Especially if he is on quite small doses and it has been out of the fridge for more than 28 days. When insulin begins to act like water sometimes it can be because the insulin has become damaged and lost potency. Insulin pump infusion sites can stop working too. Also (rarely) the pens or pumps themselves can go wrong and stop delivering the insulin properly. Swapping to a fresh pen / doing a set change can be a useful check that the expected insulin units are actually being received.
Hope you manage to work out what’s up soon, and get things back more onto an even keel 🙂
It’s possible his honeymoon period is coming to an end.
Looks like Mike and I posted at the same time.
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