Sudden change in blood sugars

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all.

I’ve had type one diabetes for almost 3 years and apart from the two times I’ve had covid plus little off days, my blood sugars are pretty good. Until recently I could have a normal dinner with a small dessert and 5 units of novo would be enough. Now I can barely have my dinner without a dessert and I’m having to take more than normal. I can’t have snacks as even low carb stuff sets off a high.

What doesn’t help is I’ve had on and off stomach pains for a couple of weeks, like stupidly painful sometimes. I thought it was trapped wind or something but it’s the fact it’s been going on for days now isn’t normal for me.

I’m at my wits end. I can’t do any of my normal routine and I’m fed up of being so paranoid of how much I need to take. Please help.
Welcome the forum

It could be your honeymoon period coming to an end as you have been diagnosed a couple of years.

The honeymoon period is where the last few beta cells carry on working and this coming to an end will mean that injected insulin may need to increase to make up the difference
Welcome @Runi Pain and stress from that can cause higher sugars. When did your higher sugars start happening? Have you tried changing to new insulin cartridges in case your current ones have become ineffective?

It could also be your honeymoon ending as @Lily123 suggests. Try to rule out obvious temporary things like damaged insulin, illness, stress, etc, first.
Welcome @Runi Pain and stress from that can cause higher sugars. When did your higher sugars start happening? Have you tried changing to new insulin cartridges in case your current ones have become ineffective?

It could also be your honeymoon ending as @Lily123 suggests. Try to rule out obvious temporary things like damaged insulin, illness, stress, etc, first.
It started a couple of weeks ago. I put it down to having just an infection (which I think I did have anyway) but the stomach aches I was getting about a week before that. My ketones have been unsettled as well however that could be down to the infection. I might try a new novo today as I only just started a new basal the other day.
When we are first diagnosed, we are lead to believe our levels are only affected by what we eat. This is far from the truth. There is a chart of 42 things that can affect levels but I would not be surprised if there are more.
Illness and stress are two key things and, as our levels get higher, the symptoms become worse. Hence, the need to reduce levels when unwell (or stressed). I find it aids recovery.
If you have had stomach pains for weeks, they need investigating. I suggest getting a doctor appointment. Sorting out your stomach will help with your diabetes.
It started a couple of weeks ago. I put it down to having just an infection (which I think I did have anyway) but the stomach aches I was getting about a week before that. My ketones have been unsettled as well however that could be down to the infection. I might try a new novo today as I only just started a new basal the other day.

Has the infection gone? Sometimes infections linger on and need antibiotics to get rid of them completely. A lingering infection could be a factor too. It can be a vicious circle - infection, higher sugars, higher sugars ‘feed’ infection, infection continues.
Perhaps ask for a coeliac test.
You also have to remember you are not a machine so things (basal and bolus) do change. Have you done a basal test do you carb count? If not then have a look at both of these options a basal test is no1 on the list though.
Has the infection gone? Sometimes infections linger on and need antibiotics to get rid of them completely. A lingering infection could be a factor too. It can be a vicious circle - infection, higher sugars, higher sugars ‘feed’ infection, infection continues.
The infection has mostly gone but my stomach pains are still happening. It’s like I can’t digest food properly, I have a constant painful lump for hours afterwards.
Perhaps ask for a coeliac test.
You also have to remember you are not a machine so things (basal and bolus) do change. Have you done a basal test do you carb count? If not then have a look at both of these options a basal test is no1 on the list though.
I’ve been tested for it a few times now but they’ve all been negative for it. Not sure what a basal test is.
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