Sudden atopic dermatitis on my face

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Hi all,

Not sure if it's T1 related (diagnosed Jan) but all of a sudden I've got red, itchy and sometimes burning on my face, which looks like a rash. A swab came back as "normal" but I can assure you this is not normal lol. It's pretty obvious, 7 people have mentioned it to me today and i've only seen around 10 people at work.

I have some ointment the GP gave me but that's for psoriasis as I've developed a very small patch on my leg but the swab came back clear. I have bought some natural cream (that isn't cheap) as it's supposed to really help but I am at a loss where to go. The ointment seems to make this worse, the pharmacy refer me to the GP. Making me very self-conscious to be honest.

Is this another gift of diabetes? My bloods are normally well controlled and my latest HbA1c was 40, and i've not changed any wash soaps or anything like that! It just came on all of a sudden.
I don't think so... not sure how i tell tbh

Has coeliac been ruled out? That can cause a rash on the face @UnexpectedDiagnosis
And no not yet but I don't appear to have any other symptoms but allergy testing is perhaps my next job.

It's just come on so quick and I've changed nothing, diet, creams or soap powders etc. It looks very similar to the attached (image from google)

My body has changed so much this past couple of years it's crazy


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Sorry to hear you are struggling with a skin condition.

Have you eaten anything particularly different recently? Just wondering if it could be a food allergy. My ex-husband developed an allergy to raspberries and it always seemed really odd to me that he came out in an itchy rash on his back and his legs when it was a food allergy. It took us ages to figure out what was causing it because we didn't associate it with food when it was showing up in more remote parts of the body. ie. You would think that it might be the mouth area, neck or chest perhaps.... or all over, but it was always his back and his thighs. Human bodies are weird and complex. Hope you manage to get to the bottom of it soon.
That second picture you posted @UnexpectedDiagnosis actually shows the coeliac rash, dermatitis herpetiformis! Coeliac disease is auto-immune just like Type 1, and people with Type 1 have a greatly increased risk of developing it. If your rash looks like that then a coeliac screen seems very sensible. Coeliac is more than an allergy as it can cause all sorts of damage if it’s undiagnosed.

My other thoughts are dry/weatherbeaten skin or a vitamin or mineral deficiency.
Sorry to hear you are struggling with a skin condition.

Have you eaten anything particularly different recently? Just wondering if it could be a food allergy. My ex-husband developed an allergy to raspberries and it always seemed really odd to me that he came out in an itchy rash on his back and his legs when it was a food allergy. It took us ages to figure out what was causing it because we didn't associate it with food when it was showing up in more remote parts of the body. ie. You would think that it might be the mouth area, neck or chest perhaps.... or all over, but it was always his back and his thighs. Human bodies are weird and complex. Hope you manage to get to the bottom of it soon.
Thanks I think allergy investigation is next on my list for sure!! Yes the human body is a fairly complex bit of kit isn't it

That second picture you posted @UnexpectedDiagnosis actually shows the coeliac rash, dermatitis herpetiformis! Coeliac disease is auto-immune just like Type 1, and people with Type 1 have a greatly increased risk of developing it. If your rash looks like that then a coeliac screen seems very sensible. Coeliac is more than an allergy as it can cause all sorts of damage if it’s undiagnosed.

My other thoughts are dry/weatherbeaten skin or a vitamin or mineral deficiency.
I'm trying to completely discount this option yet because the thought of being coeliac terrifies me I knew someone that was and it made her life hell and I am praying you're wrong tbh. I'll try to get in the GP tomorrow and I'll add it to the list of things to mention. It's not as red as that today but it was the other day... several people have said it looks like a rash today.

Diabetes really is the gift that keeps on giving isn't it
You mention that you have cream for psoriasis. Have you been tested for psoriasis?
(Actually, reading about it suggests tests are rare and visual inspections are the usual diagnosis tool)
My father has psoriasis and it does look like your photos. Stress has always made it worse for him. When he is more chilled, he can have no problems but, when stressed, it can get quite bad.
Like Type 1 and coeliac, psoriasis is an auto-immune condition and these auto-immune conditions like to spend time together - I guess when our immune systems get screwed they can cause multiple problems.
@UnexpectedDiagnosis I’m a little late to respond here but might you have touched your face after applying the psoriasis ointment to your leg? If the answer is yes (or possibly!) and the ointment contains steroids, this could cause perioral dermatitis in a similar pattern to that which is shown in the first of the photos you posted. I had this years ago and it was treated with antibiotics. Might be worth adding to your list of things to discuss with your doctor? Hoping you’re doing better by now and that this reply is therefore redundant!
Hope you get to the bottom of this @UnexpectedDiagnosis

I have a friend who lives with Roseacea which might be another to consider?
It disappeared.... and then has just started to return now my levels of stress are high. My GP said to come back once it flairs up and her initial thought was eczema.

I guess it's just another one of those great Diabetes things. Thank you for the responses, I think I will wait until it comes back and just go back to the GP.

The hardest thing about feeling that your body is against you is the mental battle.
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