Sudbury: Medal for 81-yr-old diabetes patient

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
A WOMAN who has had to inject herself four times day for the past 50 years to keep her diabetes under control has been awarded a medal.

Margaret Lock, 81, from Great Cornard near Sudbury, was presented with the Alan Nabarro medal by the charity Diabetes UK.

It is awarded in recognition of patients who have successfully managed Type 1 diabetes for half a century by giving themselves regular insulin injections.

Ms Lock, who is a retired personel officer, was diagnosed with the condition in 1962. She said while it took discipline to self-adminster a strict regime of medication, she had always tried not to let the condition rule her life.
Interesting that she 'lived for 10 years on tablets' before needing insulin :confused:
Mmmmmm - 20 ish on diagnosis. 10 years on tablets - 50 years on insulin T 1.5 or T 2?

Interesting on 4 jabs a day in 1962 ROFLMAO.
Lol at the 4 injections a day as well. Some dreadful reporting yet again.
Well done to her but i think the reporter is trying to selp paper ????
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